Chp 7 Magical Competition festa! teachers vs other teacher from diff school

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-This Chp will focused on the competition

Uhm is this clear that we teacher gonna fight!!..
...elena aren't included here that is safe for her!!...


what is going on!!!

they only want to fight the teacher of class f against you!!!..

ah!! okay that a relief!!..

are you sure?!..

heck yeah!!!...

by the way put your hands on the crystal ball!!..


Crack*!! and shattered*!..

what happened that was your doing!!!!..

eh!!! uh!!! kinda!.

shit!!! you destroy it!!!...

how about now it fixed!!!..

what did you do!?!!..

uhm fix it!!..

But how!!!..

don't you know that i created this crystal balls...


(if i remember that i created this for those magical being to determine their status!. and there class!)...

uhm totally i don't remember that we released it on different schools!! and could you keep it a secret!!..



Sir could you teach us how to be like you!!!..

uhm child i can't teach you the way i fight but i will teach how to be great.


so let's start our class!!..

after 5:00:50 they finished!...

so 1 later that the festa is about to begin!!!..

So better remember this that the secret of winning on how calm of you mind and a perfect planning okay class!!!..

Roger Sensei!!..


(teacher of class F please proceed on the arena please i repeat that you proceed!!).

sensei your fighting diff class!!.

don't worry class i got this by the way i will left nicole in charge of you guys!!..

yes sir!!!..

nicole be gentle on them!!..

yes master!!!. goodluck on your fight!!.

so then the battle start The school of sabrina vs the tarantula magic school!..

oh shit what with the posing again!!!!(she pose like a fucking s***.).

you ready demi boi!!..

okay!.... bring all you got on me!!..

here i come phantom sneak!!..

illusion spell.. substitution!...

where is he!!!..


thunder bolt!!!...

it tickles!!...

what!!! that spell tier was high!!!...

Life of unknown But Become god in another world  (18+)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt