Arc 2(Chp.1)

4 0 0

..... uh.....

you okay there....

yeah it's nothing luna......

ugh... such so cold....


you okay there..... danma-sama... pushing her breast to ren.....



you hoe!!!!..

ara.... dodge rianna attack....

so noisy......

oh it's our demi-... ugh!!!!

(punch her)....tsk so noisy...

hannah you okay.....

yeah i-i'm F-fine.....

so sorry about that Kuro....

hya!!!!! you startle me....yunari.....

so sorry... -_-''

yeah yeah.....

freeze....(ren throw some time manipulation spell.)...


oh my her chest bouncing.... wah!! what am i saying.....

stop running yuri!!...

arē!!!!! oh it's the handsome boy..... (her chest pull the head
of ren into it...).

yhuri..... i cawn't breawthe....

oh sorry my bad...

(slowly breathing in)... yeah... I'm fine....

oh it's my kissing sound*(no you don't..) uh!!! no fair.... hmph...

what (T_T)... did i do......




so sorry...I'm in a hurry....

oksy who is that... guy....

no i have open my status seek eyes and i see it's stat.... that was a she... and the title.. crossdresser lady....
?????? name is unknown......

uhm you talking again.....

uh sorry... where are we luna....

oh we are on the place where is our farm.....

okay... say whut!!!!!!!!!.....

don't shout....


oh girls did you prepare the tools we needed...

yeah!!!(all of them answer...)....

Luna take them on the barn house.....

Prisonment spell activate...


Binding spell......

oh my what is this...

nothing... hehehehehhe

i don't like your faces girls....

hehe we gonna dresswd you up.....



"the girls gang bang me and they make me like a girl...."

"grr.... i look like a girl (oh shit. i don't like this outfit......)...."


oh what a adorable.....

Life of unknown But Become god in another world  (18+)Where stories live. Discover now