He's cute

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I apologize dearly if this sucks. I had it all written out and almost done last night until I forgot to save! ;_; So I had to come up with it all over again. I am so SO SORRY!!! *runs away crying*


Levi's p.o.v

I parked at the front of the cafe and walked in to pick him up but saw that he was cleaning some tables. He turned to look at me. "I'm sorry but we are closed." He stopped and looked at me with those beautiful green eyes.

"I told you I would pick you up brat." He turns around to clean and hangs his head slightly. "I-I'll be done in a bit just hold on..." I sigh and walk over to my side. "I'll wait for you to get changed." I walk over to the cleanest table that I could find and sit.

I stared at Eren's hips moving every time he wiped the table. His hips could drive me crazy, with the way they were moving. As I was staring at him, I saw him glancing up at me. I noticed a blush spread all over his face as he looked back down and started to wipe the table top faster.

I smirked at his sudden reaction over me just catching him looking up at me. Once he was done cleaning he walked towards the back. While I waited for him, his manager walked to the front of the counter he was usually behind, during business hours.

We both stared at each other in silence. What broke our gaze was the young lady's voice, that worked here as well. "Y-yeah I'm fine! I'll be home a little late tonight Eren!" I look at her as she runs towards the manager of the cafe.

The way she blushed pretty much told me that she liked him. And his smile was pretty kind. 'Pretty. I'm guessing that's his ...sister? Huh...They developed some good looks from their parents.'  After a while passed by, I couldn't stay still for very long anymore. I get up and go outside to walk for a bit, to stretch my legs.

A certain distance later, I decide to turn back and to see if Eren was already done. 'Dammit. I wish Eren would come with that unifrom of his.' When I had the cafe in view, I saw Eren stepping out of the door. I completely stopped in my tracks as I looked at him.

He was actually wearing the uniform. 'Oh Eren. Heh. Don't you look good in that.' I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I see a man coming up to Eren, putting his hand around his waist. Eren was struggling as he tried getting his arm off.

'Fucking get your filthy arm off of him!' I walk up to them as quickly as I could. "Oi! Let him go!" I said as I stopped right infront of them. "What are you gonna do about it, you fucking midget!?" The man lets go off Eren's waist and runs towards me. I dodged and roundhoused him right in the back.

He met the hard ground with a loud thud. "You still want to go?" I tell the guy looking at him from above with my infamous stare. He gets up and runs away in the opposite direction. "Well now that, that's taken care of," I turn around and walk to my car door, "get in so we can get to my place."

Eren walks over to the passanger side and opens the door. I look at his ass as he sticks it in first to sit down. 'Tch why haven't I noticed how good his ass looks in a frilly dress.' I grabbed his arm and he turned to look at me.

I connected my lips to his warm soft lips. 'Ah. So thats what they feel like.' I part away, in fear that I might lose control, and turn on the ignition. I start to drive and reach the front of my house. I look over at Eren and see that he only slightly moved from the position from earlier, when I kissed him.

I ask him something to break him from his position as I turn the car off. "We're here brat. Didn't you have a change of clothes?" I asked as I pointed at his uniform. "O-oh um well I got a stain on my shirt so I couldn't wear it...." I blankly look at him and barely grin, so Eren wouldn't notice. "Oh...well this will be fun."

"What do you m-!!!" I kiss him again. I could feel his lips getting suprisingly warm. 'Let me in so I can warm up with you Eren.' I lick his lips and he actually parts his lips. I stick my tounge in and swipe throughout all of his mouth.

I put my hand against Eren's thigh and felt him shiver. 'He's so warm.' I let go of him and pull away, leaving a string of saliva connecting our tounges.'I need to save some for later.' "Well, get out and follow me." I unlock my house door and let Eren walk in first.

As I turned around to close and lock the door, I noticed that Eren was slightly wobbling. I saw him fall a bit and I reach my arms out to catch him. I scooped him up and walked towards the kitchen. "Tch. Was that really all you could take before getting like this brat?"

I glance down at him and see him clutching at his chest, as I sat him down in a chair. "Oi brat. Do you feel all right?" His head shoots up and I see a blush on his face. "Y-Yeah I'm f-fine!"

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