Help wanted

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*Hidden in a little shopping plaza there is a tiny cafe that has become popular because of two siblings that started to work there not too long ago....*

Manager's p.o.v

It has been a slow day in my cafe. *sigh* 'I probably should have gotten a better location. No wonder this place was so cheap.' I hear the bell ding as the door to my shop is opened. I look up from cleaning the counter and end up staring at the teenagers standing by the doorway.

One of them was a beautiful Japanese young lady, with raven black hair that went just below her shoulders. She had an odd old red scarf around her neck that she re-adjusted to cover her mouth but it fitted her.

"Hello sir."

Next to her stood a young man that looked about the same age as her; looked like he was German. He had chocolate brown hair and the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen! They where like a crystal grass green that felt like they could see right through you.

"Um...Sir?" I snap back from the radiating beauty that was being emmited from them. "Oh! I'm sorry! What brings you good looking young teens to an old cafe?" I say while I dry my hands with a ragg and walk up to them with a smile. "Well I was wondering if maybe we could get jobs here, seeing as to how you have that "Help wanted"sign in the window." The young man says as he points towards the window.

"Oh yes! I have been looking for some help around here! If you are able to fit in the uniforms and serve people with a bright warm smile, then you can go ahead and work here." The young mans eyes light up. "Thank you so much sir!" "The names Tadayoshi." I say as I extend an arm out. "I'm Eren and this is my sister Mikasa!", the young man says as he takes my hand and shakes it. "Thank you so very much! You don't know how much this will help Tadayoshi-sama!"

"Oh! But I have got to warn you about the uniforms. I only have them in-". " It doesn't matter Tadayoshi-sama! As long as we get this job, it won't matter what we have to wear. Right Mikasa?" Eren turns to face his sister. "Mmm." She says whilst pulling up the scarf and nodding her head shyly. "U-umm, Tadayoshi-sama?" Mikasa asks facing me. "Yes Mikasa?" I notice her fidgeting with the corner of the scarf. "Is it a-all right...if...I...ummm....can keep the scarf with the uniform?"

I pat her head and smile at her. "If you feel the most comforatable with it on then go ahead and keep it on." I see a tint of pink spreading on her face. "T-thank y-you..."

I direct the both of them to the changing rooms. "Eren. This will be your changing room. Your uniform is already in there so go ahead and try it on." Eren walks up to the door opens it and closes it behind him.

"AAAAAHHHH!!!!" I turn around to face Mikasa. "Ahahahahaha! Guess he saw the uniform he's gotta wear." Mikasa looks at me with a puzzled face. I smile and point her towards the door across from where Eren went in. "This will be your changing room Mikasa. Go ahead and put on the uniform thats hung on the hanger in the locker." "Mm." She nods and disappears through the door I directed her towards.

'Eren probably thought that his outfit wasn't going to be that bad.' I snicker and walk back to the front of the cafe.

Eren's p.o.v

Once the manager, Tadayoshi-sama, shows me the changing room for me. "Eren. This will be your changing room. Your uniform is already in there so go ahead and try it on." I go up to the door open it and walk in, pushing the door closed from the inside. 'Huh.....It's pretty roomy in here.' I look around and spot a locker. I walk over to the locker and open it. I widened my eyes and felt my mouth gape open.

"AAAAAHHHH!!!!" 'What the hell is this!?' I pull out a little blue and white maids outfit. It has sky blue ribbons. One on the neck-chest area, and another around the waist. There was also something that looked like straps that, I guess were supposed to wrap around the legs. The apron was white with the edges frilled up. There was something else hanging in the locker. I pull it out and find a small headpiece and gloves that go all the way up to the elbow.

'What the hell was wrong with me!? I should have waited for the manager to tell me about the uniform before I cut him off! Dammit!!!' I squeeze my eyes shut and look back at the outrageous outfit. *sigh* 'Well at least Mikasa has to wear the same thing, so it won't be too bad.'

Mikasa's p.o.v

'Every time I look at the manager I feel kinda shy. I wonder why that is...' I break away from my thoughts when I hear Eren scream. "AAAAAHHHH!!!!" I look up startled only to see Tadayoshi-sama turning around facing me. I feel my face warm up lightly. "Ahahahahaha! Guess he saw the unifrom he's gotta wear." I looked at him puzzled by his comment. He smiles at me and points toward the door across from Erens. "This will be your changing room Mikasa. Go ahead and put on the uniform thats hung on the hanger in the locker." I blush at his smile then nod slightly and go through the door he pointed towards.

I go in and see the locker in the middle of the wall. I go to open the locker and find the most adorable cute maid's looking outfit. 'Oh.....' I actually liked the way the apron had frills although I didn't really appreciate the strap looking thingies that should go around the legs. Overall I think it is cute. I kinda smile and feel my face fluah hard when I think about the manager seeing me in this outfit.

Manager Tadayoshi's p.o.v

I walk out into the front of the cafe and pour myself some tea. I hear a rustling noise behind me, which makes me glance over. I could feel my eyes widen and jaw drop when I see both Eren and Mikasa in their uniform.


Cliffhangerrrr!!! Check out and see how the manager describes both of them in their cute frilly uniform in the next chapter.

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