𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 18

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Armani's bullet missed Tray instead it hit India, and she laid on the ground as blood came out of her chest. "Oh shit" Armani said with guilt.
Tray looked at him as his eyes went blue and went in attack mode. Tray chocked Armani and punched him in the face repeatedly. "Yo Stop" Armani said pushing Tray off of him. Put somehow Tray or should I say Blade started beating him up again, this time he didn't stop. Blade beat Armani until he saw that his head was starting to bust open, a little of his brain was starting to pop out his head.

Tray snapped back to himself, and took his attention back to India. She was coughing up a lot of blood breathing heavy. "India hang in there I'm gonna get a paramedic" Tray says kissing India's forehead before running off to grab his phone. He dialed the number and explained everything that's going on. "Alright thank you" he says hanging up fast

"India just hang in there the paramedics will be here soon just keep breathing" Tray said sitting on the ground placing her head in his lap. She kept gasping for air as everything she done in life replayed her mind. "Keep breathing India, just keep breathing".

Every thing rewinded and went white, it felt like she dying

Minutes later the paramedics came along with cop cars. Tray let the paramedics in the house and the cops asked him questions. "Do you know what happened" the cop asked him."No actually, I just came home and this is what I saw" Tray lied.

The cops already had a record on him so he had to make up anything so it wouldn't seem like he had something to do with it. "Well we're gonna take to the police station and ask you a few questions" the other cop says."I said I don't know what happened, what y'all sweating me for bro" Tray said as he grew angry. "Listen, just come with us we're just gonna ask a few questions relax"

"Man I guess but if your bitch ass partner try anything I might snap" Tray says mean mugging the cop. That cop was Officer Bradeley, the same cop that killed Trays grandfather, his dad, and his uncle. Officer Bladeley just needed the right evidence to lock Trays ass up and get him killed just like his other family members.

The police officers took Tray to the interrogation room and sat down in their seats. "Bladeley I think you should handle this" Officer Carl whispered to him but Tray still heard. "I got this" he says signaling him to get out. "I'll give y'all some time just be easy on him Bladeley" Carl says before leaving the room. Officer Bladeley and Tray mean mugged each other for a while and that's when Bladeley sparked a conversation.

"I didn't really bring you here to ask what happened at the house" He says sitting on the table. "Then why the fuck am I here" Tray spat angry as ever just because of what happened in the past , he never forgot what Officer Bladeley did to his father, he beat him to death right in front of him."You're here because I want your black ass to be, now shut the hell up so I can talk" Bladeley yells slamming his hand on the table. "Now I'm gonna ask you some serious shit, did you or did you not kill Jehlani Kardison" The Officer asks.

"Who the hell is Jehlani" Tray says confused. "Did you or did you not kill Kaine don't lie to me or I will beat you the same way I did your father and say it was self defense" Officer Bladeley says making Tray blood boil. "No I didn't kill Kaine" Tray said staring Bladeley down. Officer Bladeley gives Tray the most evil look ever before opening the room door. "Officer Carl bring in the TV and the tape" He shouts before closing the door again. Carl comes in the room with this old fashion small TV that was sitting on a stand and plugs the TV up into the wall. "Pop the tape in" Officer Bladeley says keeping his eyes on Tray.

The tape starts playing and there it was. Tray going into Kaine's warehouse and killing everyone in there including Kaine tray took off his ski mask when he came in the warehouse, guess he forgot. "Are you sure you didn't do it, because to me it looks like you're shooting him and everyone else in there" Bladeley yells. "Damnit" Tray mumbled to himself. He fucked up big time, but he didn't care about going to jail right now well he did, the most important thing he cared about right now was India being ok.

"You're going to jail and I can't wait to see it" Officer Bladeley yells laughing a bit. "Bladeley I think you need to go for a while" Carl's says. "No I wanna stay, lock him up right now I would love to see that" Bladeley says right into to Trays face.Tray jumps up from his chair "I'm tired you of fucking with me" He yells pushing his chair across the room. "Bladeley get out now" he says opening the door and pushing him out room. Carl slams the door and sighs. "I'm sorry for that" Carl says, "It's all good, can I call someone real quick". Carl nods "there's a phone other there go ahead" he points to the phone that was in the corner of the room.

He goes over to the phone and dials his lawyer's number. "I'll step out" Carl says before leaving the room. "Hello" his lawyer says answering the phone.

"It's me Tray".

"What did you get yourself into now" Michael said as you could hear all the stress in his voice.

"Look I got caught slipping they got me on tape, killing everyone" Tray said sounding tired as ever he just wanted to go the hospital and see India but that wasn't goin happen.

"Are you dumb Tray come on man, I can try to shorten your sentence in the court room but if I do this you gotta do me a favor bro" Michael says

"Wassup" he says confused

"I need at least ten packs of weed and coke sent to my house , can you get someone to do that for you?" He asked

"Yeah I got you, just please get me out of this" Tray sighed as a small smile grew across his face.

"I'll work something out bye" Michael says

"Bye" He says before hanging up

"Tray" Officer Carl says coming in the room


"Uh I got some news for you". Carl says rubbing the side of his leg nervously

"What's wrong man" Tray said he just knew it was gonna he bad news he just knew it.

"Your girlfriend India she .... she uh".

"Bruh just spit that shit out" Tray says growing impatient.

"They say it's a possibility that she lose the baby"

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