Chapter 4

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(Starscream's POV)

I flew back to the mines the Autobot known as Y/n on my processor.

"Comander! Where is the Autobot!?" A Vehicon asked turning its helm to me.

"Uh... She tricked me and... Got away." I lied and mentally hit myself for stuttering.

"Should we send a few soldiers after it?" The Vehicon asked this time its whole frame turning to me.

"No, no, she took a ground bridge back." I said trying to end the confrontation about Y/n.

The Vehicon nodded and went back to minning the cave. I wipped my brow ridge of the imaginary sweat and breathed a sigh of relief. I didnt want the Vehicons... Or worse Megatron, finding out I was infatuated with an Autobot.

~Time Skip~

The ship came and picked up the energon minned, every last bit of it.

I flew back to the ship while the Vehicons were bridged back so they were back before me.

"STARSCREAM!" Megatron yelled for me. I froze in fear.

"Y-yes my leigh!" I stammered.

"What is this I here from Vehicon 3DD13(Eddie) about you letting an Autobot escape!" Megatron yelled at me.

"Its not like that Lord Megatron, 3DD13 wasnt there so he didn't see what was going on. Y/n had tricked me and began to shoot at me, she would have offlined me if I had tried to follow her, then she could have brought my frame back to their base and access my processor. Don't you see my Lord I did the smart thing and let her go!" I lied through my dentas.

"For your sake you better not be lying Starscream. Dismissed." Megatron pointed at the door telling me to leave. The Vehicon left before me going back to unloading the engeron. I stepped out of the door and stood beside it keeping out of site but in hearing distance.

"Soundwave show me who this Y/n is and any information on her." Megatron ordered, I peeked out to see a picture of Y/n on the screen with her information about her and her past.

"Hmmm, she is a pretty little thing don't you think Soundwave, she would make a nice looking Queen for me to have by my side.

"Starscream get back in here I have a new mission for you!" Megatron commanded. I waited a few minutes and stepped back through the door to the command center.

"Yes my Leigh?" I asked him dredding the mission hes gonna send me to do.

"I want you to bring me this Autobot Y/n. I want her as my Queen to be by my side as I rule this world." Megatron ordered.

"Y-yes my Lord." My spark sank.

I left the ship and flew off to the forest where we met last night. Hopefully she will be there today, I want to see her so bad.

As I landed on the forest floor I caught a glimpse of what looked like a blue muscle car. Sitting in a bush to keep out of sight.

"Y/n?" I called quietly, the car transformed and a smiling Y/n looked up at me.

"Hi Starscream." She said softly. I walked up to her and smashed my lips onto hers, slipping my glossas into her mouth.

"You came back?" I grinned.

"Well I said I would." She smirked back at me.

"Megatron has ordered for your capture. He wants you as his Queen." I told her, holding her frame to mine feeling it heat up.

"W-what? But I'm an Autobot!" She stuttered.

"Half Autobot. Your file says your sire was a Decepticon Wrecker." I smirked.

"Yes and do you know what happened to him for loving an Autobot." She frowned.

"Uh... No, no I don't. I didn't read the whole file." I said scratching my helm.

"Yes he was a Decepticon Wrecker, alongside Breakdown. They were brothers, but my sire fell in love with and Autobot General Commander for Optimus Prime and paid the consequences for it by death. Megatron offlined him publicly." Energon tears were in her optics.

My optics went wide.

"Thunderbolt was your sire!?" I questioned.

"What? Did you know him?" I nodded.

"Yes, like you said he worked with Breakdown as a wrecker. I had no idea you were his offspring." I said laying a servo on her face plates and laying my helm on hers.

"I was only a few cycles old when he was offlined." She started to cry harder now.

"He was a good mech. I knew him a bit. I was only a young comander at the time just starting." I explained to her as she laid her frame up against mine, it sounded like shes had this conversation about her sire recently.

"Stay with me tonight?" She asked me looking up at my red optics as they looked down onto her yellow and blue hetrochomia ones.

"Of course my dear, I'm not supposed to go back till I've found you anyways." I leaned back down and captured her lips in mine in another passionate kiss.

'Frag this femme will be the death of me.' I thought angling my helm for better access to her intake.

"Mmm, Starscream." Her moan made my fans kick on and my frame heat up, I wanted her badly.

"Y-Y/n." I moaned back my interface paneling getting tight. I reached down to undo it Y/n about to do the same for hers when a voice came threw her com-link.

"Y/n we are picking up a Decepticon signal near you be careful and start heading back to base." Ratchet's voice said.

"Ok Ratchet I'll see you in a few." Y/n sias before turning her com off.

"I guess I better get back before they send a search party for me. See you tomorrow, same time?" She giggled I nodded at her kissing the top of her helm before she a ground bridge showed up and she walked into it disappearing for the night.

I groaned still feeling the tightness in my paneling.

"Fragging spike blocking doctor." I growled in frustration.

A/n: hey guys thanks for reading this and I was wondering if I should do a lemon in one chapter comment below thanks!

Starscream's Sparkmate (Starscream x Femme! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now