Chapter 1

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"So I guess we should start at the very beginning when my Sire met our Carrier." I said putting a digit on my chin.

"What's a Sire and Carrier?" Jack asked.

"A Sire in human terms is father, and a Carrier is a mother." Ratchet piped in from the computer.

"Wait what do you mean by your Sire arent you two siblings?" Miko asked now.

"Miko we share the same Carrier not the same Sire. So it's what humans call a step-parent." Smokescreen said.

"Oooh okay, gotcha." She said nodding her head.

"Anymore questions befor I start again?" I asked a bit annoyed for being interrupted.

They all shook their held and stayed quiet.

"Alright so my Sire who's name was Thunderbolt(picture above) was a Decepticon Wrecker alongside Breakdown, he was my Sire's brother, so he's my uncle. I never knew my Sire but the stories my Carrier and Smokescreen told and showed me he was gentle and kind to his loved ones. But he was ruthless when he had to be. Thunderbolt fell in love with an Autobot by the name of Firefly-she was our Carrier-, before the war began. Firefly was an Autobot General Commander for Optimus Prime. Her first Sparkmate abandoned her for another femme, and left her with Smokescreen. Later in life she met a decent mech but the only problem was that he was a Decepticon. The two were in battle when a cave collapsed on them trapping the two inside together for weeks with no communication with the outside world because their coms were damaged in the collapse. Over the span of the two weeks the two began to warm up to each other... Literally it was freazing in the cave. The two fell in love with each other and Spark Bonded in that very cave. It was more for comfort in the begining but lead to love in the end. When the two were finally found by Autobot scouts they were barely alive, they were so malnourished. Firefly and Thunderbolt eventually became Sparkmates in which Smokescreen did not like at first, but he soon warmed up to Thunderbolt because he saw that he loved our Carrier very much. Eventually they had me. Soon word got out to Megatron about the traitorous act and offlined Thunderbolt in the main square of Kaon to demonstrate what will happen when you interact friendly with an Autobot. Firefly was devastated when she heard about Sire's public execution. Then over the years she became more and more hollow from the lost of her second Sparkmate that she became abusive to me because she saw Thunderbolt in me. I would be covered helm to pede in dents and scratches from her beatings. Smokescreen always tended to my wounds. Eventually she passed away from an overdose of medical energon and joined Sire in the well of all-sparks leaving us sparklings to fend for ourselves. We were much too young to live on our own only being  five and seven hundred years old. That's five and seven years old in human years. We were then taken into an orphanage, but got split up. Smokescreen got adopted but I never did. We reunited when we both signed up for the war. And now we are here." I explained as Smokescreen came and gave me a big hug.

"The orphanage was also abusive to me because I was the youngest femme there. So I guess you could say I have what the humans call PTSD when it comes to authority figures... No offense Optimus." I said looking at the tall Prime.

"None taken Y/n. If I would have known Firefly was doing those things to you I would have tried to stop it, but alas I had no idea my best General Commander was capable of doing such things to her own sparkling." Optimus Prime said looking apologetic to the young femme.

"It's not your fault Optimus. Scrap happens." I reassured the big Bot in front of me.

"So Megatron killed your dad in front of a whole crowd of bots and no one did a single thing about it!" Miko exclaimed. I just nodded.

"But why!? I understand Megatron is the leader of the Decepticons but there had to be someone who tried to talk some sense into the big bad bot!" She said waving her arms around.

"You don't understand Miko Kaon is like the heart of Decepticon territory. My Sire was considered a traitor to the whole cause. My uncle didn't even do anything and they are family!" I exclaimed raising my voice.

Smokescreen rubbed my back to get me to try and calm down and it worked a significant amount.

"Sorry, I didnt mean to yell." I said. "I think im gonna go for a drive to cool my engines off and clear my helm." I stood up and stretched before transforming into a blue Jeep and taking off outside.

A/N: alright thats the backstory of Y/n I hope you enjoyed it. If you want more leave a vote. The next chapter will have Starscream in it I promise. Byeee!

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