Biff flashed a toothy grin. "That's why you've got to train more often, Joe. Stuff like that doesn't even phase me."

Jerry whacked his chest playfully. "What do you mean? You were born like this." Biff's eyes twinkled.

"Guys, we need to check on Frank and Phil," said Joe, worry becoming evident in his voice. The others nodded and followed him down the stairs. As they neared the cellar door, they could hear shouting. They reached the cellar, and saw that it had a bar across the thick, wooden door, and a chair propped up against it.

"Good grief, this guy wasn't taking any chances," muttered Joe through gritted teeth.


"Frank?" called out Joe.


"Hang on, we'll have you out in a jiffy!" Joe called as Biff quickly pulled back the chair. Jerry and Jack lifted the bar, and Joe opened the door. Frank and Phil just about dashed out into the room.

"A good thing you didn't try ramming this door down," said Biff grimly as he felt the cellar door, "this thing feels like it might never break."

"That's why we didn't bother trying," said Frank.

"What took you guys so long, anyhow?" asked Phil. The four tooks turns telling about being locked up.

"Wait," said Frank, "if this guy doesn't want us finding out anything here . . ."

Joe's eyes widened. "Chet and Tony!" The group dashed towards the library and quickly climbed out the window. They raced towards the van.

"Hey guys, we were getting worried. What happened?" asked Chet as he and Tony climbed out of the van to meet their panting friends.

"That jerk locked us up!" blurted Joe.

"Did you see anyone come out of the house?" asked Frank.

Chet and Tony shook their heads.

"How is that possible?" said Jerry. An evil-sounding, maniacal laugh answered him. The sound sent shivers down the boys' spines.

Chet gulped. "I-it is haunted!"

"No ghost ever had to lock anybody in a room to scare them off," said Frank matter-of-factly. Joe took off towards the back of the house. "Joe, wait!" But Joe kept on going. Frank groaned before turning to their friends. "Come on Biff, let's go make sure he doesn't hurt himself."

Biff nodded with a roll of his eyes. "On it." He took off after Joe. Frank started to follow, but was stopped.

"What about the rest of us?" asked Jerry.

"You guys lock yourselves up in the van and be ready to go. Hopefully this won't take long," said Frank. He turned and dashed off after Joe and Biff. He found them on a trail behind the house and joined them in the search. But when they didn't find anyone, or anything, Joe became livid.

"Where is that jerk?" he blurted. Another maniacal laugh answered him.

Biff shivered. "It's almost like he's watching us."

Frank's face became grim. "It's very likely. Come on, we should go. I think we've overstayed our welcome."

Joe grumbled. "I think you're right. Come on Biff, let's go."

Biff nodded with relief. "Right." The three dashed back to the van, and they were soon on their way back to Bayport.

About a couple miles away, Frank spoke up. "Tony, turn around."

Hardy Boys -1. The Tower TreasureWhere stories live. Discover now