Chapter 3 A shocking encounter

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"Have a nice day!" Caja  waved as Rubic stormed out of the shop, slamming the door creating a loud thud that made Caja cringe. 

           Mean while Rubic decided he was not quite done with his run for the night, he never really spent a lot of his time outside of his house other than for things like shopping. He then suddenly had an epiphany, "Maybe the reason my life is so boring is because i never have done anything to make it interesting! I've been doing nothing but staying home and working on my machines and other inventions so much that i never really had the time to make something of my self!" Rubic  wasn't paying attention to where he was looking  when he suddenly bumps into someone. He falls back and lands on his behind, Rubic being the easily irritable pink twit he is ready to pick a fight with this stranger! He gets back up ready to tear one in this guy, only to fall silent when he looks up to see a skull  on the back of this tall moth that turns around to look down and see him.  

A Death's Head Hawk he was, and his body was armored with these black plates, he also wielded a military scythe.  He was also very tall and had pretty large wings But none of that intimidated Rubic oh no. What made the little pink tart freaked out the most was the right eye of this dude. This eye was something Rubic has never even seen or thought was possible for any moth to have. The right side of his face had dark scar the went across his eye which had a bright glowing yellow iris which compared to left eye that was completely normal.  Before Rubic could had done anything the stranger started shouting at him. "WHAT WERE YOU GOING TO SAY TO ME YOU LITTLE COTTON CANDY  PANSY LOOKING BISCUIT?!" Rubic was in complete shock and awe, never did he thought to find some one that was just as angry as he was, only difference being that this guy could easily tear him to bits. " Uh n-nothing at all sir i was just-." He was suddenly cut off when the blade of the weapon stops right close to his neck, This was the first time Rubic actually felt helpless. " DON'T YOU DARE GIVE ME THAT LAME EXCUSE I KNOW WHAT YOU WERE ABOUT TO SAY, WELL GUESS WHAT BUDDY YOU PICKED THE WRONG GUY TO BE MESSING WITH!" Rubic couldn't do anything at all and  just started to whimper. " P-please!!! I'm sorry I promise i won't try anything again i swear! Just let me go please!" 

The blade moves away from his neck and just before he barely lets out a sigh of relief he feels grabbed by the collar of his vest and is now eye to eye with this guy. " I'll let you go for now, but if something like this happens again... Don't be so sure  that you will get scott free because I swear I will end you!" At that last word the right eye seems too almost crackle with yellow sparks and he drops Rubic on the Ground. Rubic gets back up on two feet and grabs his bag and begins to fly off zipping down the streets just to get away from this scary guy!

 but because he wasn't watching where he was going when he crashes into some one else.... 

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