Chapter one Tickle me pink

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As moon begins to rise over the starry night sky, deep in the dark depths of the forest resides a kingdom thought to be non existent by the ones who live  their days under the warm sun playing in the flowery fields drinking nectar along with other friends of alliances  and then hide away in their shelters when the  darkness of night rolls in. 

we are not them however, we actually live in  this said to be non existent kingdom. And it does have a name Galeach, and I've been here since my own youth all the way up my second life. 

The little Rosy Maple moth looks up from his journal and taps his pen underneath his chin pondering what to write next. "Gagh!" he slams his head against his work bench in frustration.  "How am i gonna right my auto biography when i literally have nothing interesting to write about myself?!" he begins to chew on the end of his wooden pen with his mandible  grinding and snapping it in half, He spits out the broken piece hacking and coughing.  

"Oh fan fluttering-tastic!" He places the broken bits aside and opens his drawer shuffling through the clutter of tools and knick knacks and slams the drawer closed. "Last one too? oh come on!" The little moth hops down from his big stool and stomps over to his coat hanger putting on a yellow open silk vest and re adjusts the pair of goggles on his head. "Now I gotta go out  there and buy  new ones!" His second pair of arms grab the purse hanging from the hanger, He turns his to look at himself in the mirror and makes  finger guns at his reflection clicks and winks "looking sharp Rubic, Looking sharp." 

The little Rosy moth  walks over to the door and and leaves out to head for the general store. 

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