[ chapter 3 ]

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remember - no ones perfect

the queen of music

yes, I am making another music-based chapter bc I watched your lie in April and my heart hurts.

Yumiko's P.O.V

early morning

I woke up unexpectedly for no reason in particular. It was still dark outside as the brightness of the moonlight was shone through my small window. I reached for my phone and check the time. 3:46 am. Damn, it's early. My body decided to get up and went to the kitchen. There's no point in going back to bed. I'm not that tired anyway. I turned the light on and decided to make myself some hot cocoa. After I finished making it, I got my phone and my airpods and put on some music. I put on a song called I Have Questions. I sat on the chair, cross-legged as I placed my mug on the table.

No one's P.O.V

Number one, tell me who you think you are
You got some nerve trying to tear my faith apart
Number two, why would you try and play me for a fool?
I should have never ever ever trusted you
Number three, why weren't you, who you swore that you would be?

As the song hit every beat, the silence was filled with anger and resentment. Yumiko didn't even notice she was screaming every lyric with every word would add to the tears she was already crying. Yes, she's only 14 and in junior high, but she bottles up so much. Everyone knows her as a cheerful, nice, caring person, but it's a mask. Inside, she's not the same. Her soul was so empty and dark. There wasn't a direction or a path that her soul wanted her to take. She knew she was hopeless. She knew she had no chances with anyone. Everyone showed her as this talented prodigy who was just naturally great at anything. But life isn't perfect.

The song finished and played one after another. Music was her life. Her escape. Yes, she had tennis, but tennis gave her so many unwanted memories. Music kept her sane. Before she listened to more pop music, she was a classical music fan. She hasn't touched her beloved piano or violin in ages. She left those all back in the Tezuka house. She wishes she wasn't a Tezuka. The name was more fit for Kunimitsu. Not her. One of the only people who knew everything about her was Yukimura Seiichi. There was something about him that makes Yumiko trust him a lot. Having close friends like that comes with a price. I like him. A lot. But he's out of my league.

The mug of hot chocolate was finished and she didn't notice. She was so captivated by the melody of the song. The things she does may sound weird to you, but music is her everything. She spent three hours deeply listening to music and reviving old and recent memories.


Yumiko liked to play violin in the night. Her family nor her neighborhood didn't mind it and found it calming. She was casually in her room looking over some musical notes for a song she was about to play. She went out to her backyard with the violin. She put the sheet music on the ground as she picked up the violin and her bow, and played. She started off slow, admiring the beauty of the sky and the essence of the air. The neighborhood was quiet with the calming music flowed throughout their houses. She couldn't help but close her eyes as they roamed free. It was like there was no care in this world. Like everything was weighed off your shoulders. There's no one to pressure you or get angry at you. With every note, you wouldn't even know it's a 7-year-old playing. As she was getting into the middle of the song, she danced around her back year. The delicate wind blew her hair into the opposite direction, getting her hair out of the violin. The cool air let her drift freely.

The finishing note was made. It's like nature could hear because when she completed the piece, the faint wind disappeared with only the dark sky and crescent moon in the air.

[ end ]

Yumiko's P.O.V


6:45 am. I decided to just buy breakfast on the way to school since I was running a bit late due to being off into my own world for three hours. I was out the door and ran to the 7-11 near the corner of my dorm. I bought a sandwich and a smoothie then rushed out the door. Damn, Yukimura's going to murder me.

7:05 am. I made it! I ran to the courts, panting my ass off. Kirihara gave me the 'what-the-hell- happened-to-you' look and Marui just laughed at me. "Fuck off, Marui," I said, sending him a glare. "30 laps for being late," said Yukimura. I KNEW IT! HE WAS GONNA MURDER ME! "Sure buchou" I responded, giving a deadly purple aura coming from me. I ran my laps and rallied with Sanada. "Not too shabby, fukubuchou" I may-have-taunted. "You're a handful" he replied with a sigh. "Yours truly" I replied. Sanada ended the rally with a powerful smash. "We could've continued that, you know," I said, annoyed. "It was getting boring," he said. "Boring like you" I retorted. "We are not having this argument, Tezuka" he stated. I pouted but we got ready for a practice match without points.

Yanagi made us a new training schedule this week where we're paired up with somebody different every day and train with them. It can help build a great doubles pair and at the same time, strengthen the single players. Sanada gave me first serve and I started with Kozue right off the bat. "Already?.." he muttered. By now, he was able to return the shot with ease and we rallied for a bit until Sanada hit to one of the blind spots. He served the ball with a serve I've never seen. What the hell was that! "Sanada, where'd you learn that?" I asked. "It's my Invisible serve. It's a high-speed flat serve that cannot be predicted that easily" he explained. "I am so making you serve that a bunch of times because I'll make it my life goal to return it!" I said. I served him one of my Genso kōgeki shots. Mizu. The ball flew past him. "That's the only one of the Genso kōgeki's I haven't used against you," I told him.

He served a regular flat serve to make a rally out of it and once we got to about 15, he used another surprise move on me. It's invisible like that serve! "There's more?! Are you kidding?" I complained. I hit him a top-spin serve and he returned it with..no way. Zero-shiki drop. "I haven't played you for 3 weeks and you stole my fucking shot already?" I exclaimed. People turned their heads to see what was going on. "It's not a hard shot" he finally said. I glared daggers and him. If only looks could kill, this whole team would be dead a long time ago.

a u t h o r s n o t e

ok so basically, this story has a lot of music involved, like i swear, theres more music than tennis. there's prbly one more chapter until im gonna start weekly chapters :/ anyways see ya!

- author-chan

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