And If... We stop arguing ? | Pt. 2

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As long as he wasn't getting very mad at me, I could accept him the way he was, but now I wasn't too sure about that. For the very first time in my life, I was scared of Richard. What if he was to hit me next time ? Deep down in my heart, I knew he wouldn't do that, but then there was this little part of me that wasn't too sure about that.

Nonetheless if I was a bit afraid, I couldn't help myself but love this man with everything in me. He was the love of my life and I wanted to be with him no matter what.

The heart knows what it wants.

It didn't mean that I didn't want him to work on himself and change for the better because of course, he couldn't continue to be this way, whether it was towards me or others. I couldn't be with a man that was mad at the world, it was just too much negativity to deal with. Plus RJ admired his father a lot, so I wanted him to mainly see the best version of his father.

We indeed had so much to work on, so many years of pain to repair and I didn't know where we should start. At this point, we both reached some breaking point, and I knew and hoped that we could only go up from now, but how ?

Will we have the strength to fight more for us ?


After Dr. Gregoirs checked on RJ, my baby was able to eat. The doctor told us that everybody wasn't emerging out of a coma the same way and that RJ was showing some signs of improvement pretty fast. It took him about two hours before getting the control of his body back and he could talk normally. We still had to watch him carefully though and we needed to let him completely get back to himself at his own pace. It was a waiting game, we could force nothing.

Dr. Gregoirs told us that he might have a temporary loss of memory and also times of vomiting or nausea, or dizziness, but it all depended on his body and the reaction it'll have as the time will go.

RJ did forget what happened since the day before Nǎinai was at the hospital, so we had to announce her death once again, what was very difficult to do because he was already going through so much as it was. He reacted the same as the first time and didn't say much about this. We also had to tell him why he was at the hospital and that he'd been in a coma for two days.

It was already a lot, so we didn't tell him about my father not really being mine and that he was the one behind all of this. I mean, he didn't necessarily need to know about all the drama anyways, he was still a young kid.

Once he was done with his food, he slept for an hour and was startled out of his sleep because of a dream he had. Turned out that it was more like a flashback, which helped him to remember what happened.

He didn't ask further questions and we decided to change the subject of the conversation, bringing up more positivity in the room.

For now, he wasn't showing any other symptoms that could have been caused by the poison and he didn't have trouble with his breathing either, but we were still closely watching him.

When auntie Suz, my mother and Tam came back, it was already one in the morning. They stayed shortly, then decided to leave since RJ was getting tired again. Richard and I asked to stay for the night and the nurses nicely set up a bed for us. They unfortunately didn't have a bed for each one of us, but I didn't care much about this, mainly that I didn't have the energy to fight someone for this. I could sleep on the chair or on the floor, I didn't care, my only focus was my son's well-being.

"Can I talk to you real quick ? " Auntie Suzana motioned for us to step outside as Tam and my mother stayed behind, keeping RJ company for the time being.

"Wassup ? " Richard asked crossing his arms.

"We were talking and uh were wondering...did y'all report Mr. Kash ? I know it has to be the last thing on your mind right now, but we can't let him go away with this, he needs to pay for everything he's done."

And If... {completed and edited 2024}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя