Chapter 10: Hot Wind in the Cool Air

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Ochaco was sleeping in the next day. Any chance she got, she loved taking the occasional nap to give her an extra refresher. Midoriya however, had stayed up the night before studying. But he wasn't studying about hero history or statistics. He was studying All Might's leap.

Particularly his leap away from the hospital the other day. He sat at his desk muttering to himself out loud with a pen in his mouth as he wrote out the trajectory, wind speeds, and direction of the leap. The reason for this? He wanted to find where he had disappeared to.

He wasn't going to give up on his dream. And it was at this point that he knew he needed to prove himself. No Kacchan. No Ochaco-san. Just him.

It's been two days since the hospital visit from his hero and yet nothing has happened with him that the news covered. No bank robberies, no car thefts, no terrorist attacks. Nothing. Of course All Might's biggest quirkless fan was concerned. But that wasn't the only reason he wanted to track him down either.

"Got it!" He said standing up out of his chair. He tapped on the map of his city on his phone and zoomed in across town to the old warehouse plaza by the docks. "That's where he landed. Maybe it's his secret hideout!"

Izuku got dressed and grabbed his notebook, tucking it into his side pocket. He then made his way to the front door when his mother called from her room. "Izuku! Where are you going?"

"I... I'm gonna see what Ochaco is up to and probably go to the park!" He called back.

"Ok but be back before dark! I got some good new sushi from the market today and I want to try it with you!"

"Love you, Mom!" Izuku said then walked out silently. He crept past the Uraraka residence and quickly ran down the steps.

Ochaco was awoken to the sound of footsteps on the stairs.

As Izuku now passed by the park on his way, he noticed Bakugou sitting alone at one of the park benches and stopped himself. Something made him think about their friendship again. Before Ochaco moved in and before Kacchan gained his quirk, they were pretty good friends. Although he was still the type to be popular and do anything to get there, he and Midoriya had a brotherly bond.

Katsuki would tease him, yes. And he was a bit pushy. But he once stood up for Midoriya against bullies. And Midoriya had his back. They both came to love All Might together and made their decisions to both become heroes.

Izuku wouldn't think about why Kacchan changed and about the ever-growing rift between them.

"Katsuki." He said.

The boy sat up and turned around. His eyes were red and his cheeks looked stained. "The hell do you want?"

"I want your help." Izuku said.

Bakugou rolled his eyes and turned back away.

"It's about All Might. I think I may know where his hideout could be."

He disregarded the idea and kept staring off ahead.

"I saw where he disappeared to the other day. Down by the old warehouse district by the docks. I was thinking, you want to be a hero. And I want to be a hero. Maybe this could be our chance if we go talk to him in person about it."

Bakugou stood up and turned to Izuku. "Don't talk to me, you stupid....pathetic jerk."

"I want to fix what I've broken with you! We both chose to become heroes together, Kacchan. We should get that chance together!" Izuku yelled.

"You could never be a hero, Deku! At first I saw how weak you are. But the more I look back, the more I see it wasn't just your weakness." Katsuki hissed.

"I didn't tell Ochaco about this." The green haired boy said sternly.

That made Bakugou raise his eyebrow. "What are you trying to prove?"

"That I don't need anyone to carry me. To be a hero means I have to fight my own battles..."

"Then why are you talking to me?" He folded his arms impatiently.

"Not because I need you but because I want you to have a chance too." Midoriya said.

"I'll get my chance." Bakugou hissed. He began to walk away from the scene. "Plenty more chances than you, weakling!" He yelled without looking back.

Izuku stamped his foot. "Fine! Continue to be stubborn and angry! It doesn't scare me anymore!"

Bakugou swung his head around to give Izuku a very intimidating death glare, which did make him step back. But he remained composed. "No matter what you do, you'll always be nothing compared to me."

Midoriya sighed and waited for his old friend to walk a distance away before turning back to his desired direction. "That's where you're wrong, Kacchan."

He continued his journey jogging to the warehouse district and looked around for anything out of the ordinary. "Would a hero really hide out here, now that I think of it?"

He snuck around a few corners and peeked through a few windows in some of the warehouses for anything. But he found no light sources, no open doors, nothing that looked like it had been used or even touched in a few years at least.

The boy sighed again, feeling disappointment build up in the back of his mind. He kicked at a loose piece of concrete on the ground and it chipped away and tumbled until it hit the closest warehouse wall.

He could hear footsteps coming his way. In the moment, he didn't want to be caught there when he hadn't gotten far enough to finding All Might. He quickly looked around and dashed behind a few empty wood crates.

The figure that emerged, running to the area was none other than Nucleon himself.

Izuku's eyes widened very big in shock.

"Hmmm. Hopefully that was a cat or a bird or something. Can't afford any visitors at this hour." The villain grumbled to himself. His body was glowing a brighter green than ever before. So much energy flowed within him than the fur trim on his jacket flowed to an imaginary wind pulsing from his veins.

He looked around with his glowing eyes but after a brief search, he retreated back. Midoriya watched him enter that same warehouse. He seemed to be in a hurry because he didn't find Midoriya simply hiding inside the crate.

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