Chapter 5: Fight in the Park

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Izuku laid on top of his bed with his eyes glued to his clock. He kept glancing out his window watching the sky turn from blue to pink to orange and darken.

"I'm doomed..." He said to himself.

As he stared out his window, watching the sun disappear under the silhouetted horizon, his breathing stopped. "I need to go. I need to show Kacchan I'm not weak and dependent on Ochako-san." He sighed. "But I don't want to die..."

Izuku slowly opened his bedroom door and tiptoed through the apartment to the front door and outside. He continued to move quietly and still as he passed the Urarakas' apartment door.

Then he crept down the stairs and ran out of their complex.

Not long after a few minutes of jogging, he found the neighborhood garden park full of patches of flowers and trees. Bakugou stood in the center by a fountain that had been turned off for the fall. His back was to Midoriya but he heard him coming.

"You've told me you want to be a hero." He said.

"Y-yeah. I did."

He turned around. "You're even more pathetic than ever, Deku. Real heroes ain't just the most powerful. They're the most independent. Ever since balloon girl moved in, you've never left her side."

Izuku exhaled and took a step closer. "This isn't about her."

"Is that so?" He looked around. "Who am I to trust that she's not hiding in the bushes waiting for something to happen so she saves you again."

"She's right to stand up to you, Kacchan." Izuku stated. "But it's just you and me."

Bakugou turned back to his childhood friend. "This is how it should always be. Just you. And me." He cracked his knuckles.

"Um... Have you learned control of your quirk yet?..." Midoriya backed off.

"Doesn't matter. I'm gonna crush you! And I expect you to fight back! Real heroes put up a fight!" He yelled as he charged forward with his hands behind him unleashing explosions to propel him faster.

Izuku quickly reacted, evading the charge by somersaulting to the side. Bakugou stopped and planted his feet on the grass, burning it underneath. "What did I ever do to you, Kacchan?!"

Bakugou didn't answer. He charged towards him again, anticipating another evasion.

Just as Midoriya again evaded to the side, Bakugou twisted himself in midair and kicked him in the ribs.

Midoriya hit the ground hard, feeling the wind knocked out of him. He struggled to do much else than focus on gaining his breath back.

"It's a lot of things, you jerk." Bakugou hissed and marched to him. He kicked him again, this time in the gut. "First, you never just left me alone to deal with things myself!"

He picked up Izuku who could only groan, by his shirt collar. "Then when she arrived..." He roared out and spun Izuku around, letting go and watching him fall several meters away. He charged him yet again. "YOU ABANDONED ME!" He pounced up and threw himself hands-first on to Midoriya, unleashing explosive power on to his back, burning his shirt away and turning his skin pink.

"I-I...." Izuku gasped and groaned. "K-Ka...K-K-Kacch..."

"You'll never be a hero, Deku! Not just because you're weak! But because you couldn't help your friends if you tried!" Bakugou yelled. His voice cracked and Midoriya felt raindrops hit his back.

"Damn you, Deku! Damn you..."

"Alright. That's enough."

Bakugou looked up to a figure with a black flowing cape, a helmet that ended in a point above his head, and glowing green eyes.

"Get him up, kid. You're both in big trouble." The hero ordered.

The blonde glared and stood up not touching Izuku.

"Pick him up, kid. As I said, you're in enough trouble as it is."

"I'm not touching him..." He hissed.

The hero sighed heavily and suddenly came at him with his fist.

Bakugou felt a light punch hit him in the shoulder but suddenly fell to the ground completely numb.

"Police station, this is pro-hero 'Crow-Man'. I found the vandalizers. I think there's more to the story but I'm bringing them to the hospital. One may be suffering from quirk-related burns and the other... Ehhh I paralyzed him." He said to a small communication radio in his glove.

Sighing again, he picked up both of the unconscious and carried them off.

"C'mon, sweetie. We should get going." Mrs. Uraraka said.

"No! I want to be here when he wakes up!" Ochaco whined as she sat beside Midoriya laying in a hospital bed still not having awoken from the eventful night before.

"We don't know when that will be. Let's just go. You'll see him again tomorrow." Her mom said.

It was then that Izuku started to stir. Inko, his mother, stood up from her chair and walked closer to his face.

"Izu?..." She asked.

"Ugh.... Yes?" He moaned and rubbed his eyes. When his vision came in full, he looked down at his body. His entire torso was bandaged up and his back was very sore. He winced as he tried to sit up.

"Don't move. You're not ready to sit up yet." She instructed.

"Izuku-kun!" He heard a familiar voice address him.

"Hey, Ochaco-san." He smiled at her.

"You missed school today. B-but I could help you do your homework to make up." She volunteered.

" No thank you, Ochaco... I'm fine." He said softly.

"Well... I was really worried about you. I feel so stupid I wasn't there for you."

"Ochaco it's fine..."

"No, you can't just go around listening to that bully. You went out and let him beat you up and you didn't tell anyone?!"

"OCHACO!" He snapped but quickly caught himself in his throat and coughed.

The sudden outburst silenced her as she looked at him. "Izuku... What happened last night?"

"I don't... I don't want to talk about it, okay?"

"Ochaco, just let him have some space for now." Her mom said putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Come back anytime you want." Inko reminded her. "But yes, it's probably best if Izuku gets some more rest."

Ochaco gave him a sad look and reluctantly walked out the door followed by her mother.

Inko waited for a moment. "Izuku... She's not the only one concerned with what happened. I'd like to know too... As your mother."

Izuku looked down. "I-it feels like a lot to explain."

Inko sat down in Ochaco's chair by his head. "Please, son. I'm here for you."

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