S1E2: One Fateful Friday ...for Fast Friends (Part II)

Start from the beginning

Kavu uses his own feathers as bullet-like projectiles and pops the front tires of all the police cars, doing so with predatorial accuracy. This causes them to stop at a screeching -- and crashing -- halt. With that job done, Kavu's feathers cease quivering, and he returns inside the car as it speeds away. The cops appear to be injured, but still breathing nonetheless.

Policeman #1: [breaks out of the jammed door, groaning from the soars] Is everyone alri-

Others: (in unison) No!

Policeman #1: Good, you're all still alive. [sees that the crooks are out of visual range] Damnit... [picks up and speaks on his walkie talkie -- still intact] All units come in. Our pursuit of the perpetrators has been compromised. We need backup as soon as possible. Our current location is...

As the rest of the police squadron exit their busted cars, they all suddenly hear the ground rumbling and turn to see two strong trails of dust in the horizon, heading their way.

Policeman #2: Wow. Didn't even have to tell them where we are.

Policeman #1: [lowers his walkie talkie] Are... those even police cars?

The dust trails rush in closer and closer, and start to show sparks of electricity flaring wildly about.

Policeman #2: What the hell?!

Policeman #1: (to his whole team) Move outta the way!!

The squadron quickly leaps out of the wake of Umeme and Radi, whose race is now taking place on the highway. The dust clears away, and the squadron are shown shocked by what they've just witnessed.

Radi: [glances momentarily at the wrecked cars he passed by] Okay, I'm not the only one sensing a pattern, am I?

Umeme: Yeah. Ya' think whoever did this is close b-

Driver: (off-screen in the distance) Watch where you're driving!!

Umeme and Radi turn their heads forward to see a large truck having stopped abruptly, while blocking their path at the same time. But with split-second timing, they manage to evade this eight-wheeled obstacle; Umeme ground-slides under the truck, whereas Radi barrel rolls over the truck. As the two speedsters proceed, the truck driver inside unveils his shotgun window.

Warthog Driver: [rubs a fresh bruise on his head as spitefully addresses the reckless driver] ROAD HOGS!!!

Radi: [turns forward and sees something] Closer than you think.

Umeme also turns to see a speeding lamborghini maneuvering past various other cars with ease, with only a few sparks and scratches along the way.

Eegun: So Kavu. Whatcha' gonna do with your share of the money?

Kavu: [tries to maintain his balance from the rough driving] Well hopefully it won't be for medical insurance.

Eegun: Relax, I've been modifyin' this baby for years. She can take anything you throw at it and come out with barely a dent.

Suddenly, the two hear the tapping of glass coming from Eegun's side of the car. They look at each other with slight hesitancy, but the hyena unveils the window regardless, revealing Umeme running beside the vehicle.

Umeme: Sorry to interrupt fellas, but do ya' mind slowing down? Abiding to the speed limit and what-not?

Eegun: ... Slow down? You're one ta' talk, kid.

Umeme: True, true, but I'm not the one with a driver's license. Let alone a car.

Eegun: We-hell the joke's on you, 'cause I only have one of those things.

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