S1E1: One Fateful Friday ...for Fast Friends (Part I)

Start from the beginning

Umeme: ...? [opens his eyes and looks up] Wha-?! Hey!!

The cheetah sees the baobab fruit back up high -- only this time, it's latched onto the mitts of an aerial stranger.


SPECIES: Peregrine Falcon

AGE: 17

HEIGHT: 4' 9"

OVERALL DESCRIPTION: His physique is slightly stocky, but more-or-less on the thin side. In contrast to his navy blue feathers, the peregrine's eye sclera and plumage/underside consists of beige -- while his beak and talons consist of yellow. He has a crest that's curved upwards, and tufts that stick out from both sides of his head. His forearms are bulky and his elbows have black v-shaped rings around each one. In the bottom sections of his body, the peregrine's thighs appear to resemble puffy pants that run down to the lower half of his bare yellow legs/talons. His tail feathers have 3 black rings and 2 beige rings, and although lacking in clothing, he's sporting a brunette brown scarf with orange tassels tied around his waist.


The peregrine appears to be flying without the support of wings, opting to instead alter his own magnetic field via electric charge.

Radcliffe Ogilvie "Radi" Peregrine: Pfft, and they said you were impossible to find. [gets ready to take a bite] Now let's see if you actually w-

Before he gets the chance to finish his sentence, Radi gets hit hard by a rock thrown by none other than Umeme. This causes Radi to drop the golden baobab from his hand, even when he tried to retain his grip.

Radi: Woah!!

The peregrine goes for a diving stoop towards the falling fruit, whilst the cheetah sprints towards it for a clean catch. Just as the fruit is about to collide with the earth, the two speedsters collide with each other, creating a burst of dust mixed with electricity. The dust cloud soon clears up, showing both Umeme and Radi scowling face to face. At the same time, both firmly hold the golden baobab fruit with one hand each. As they do, the two continue to coarse crackling sparks from their own bodies.

Both: Hey, what's the big idea?! Why you asking me?! You're the one who -- [stop talking in-sync] Alright, wait, wait. Let's just stop talking at the same ti-

They both realize that they're still talking in sync, so they quickly shut their mouths before another word slips out. A few seconds afterward, Umeme allows Radi to have the first word.

Radi: Okay, uhh... Why the hell did you chuck a rock at me?!

Umeme: Well why did you steal this fruit from me?! I was right about to catch it!

Radi: Yeah, I wouldn't exactly describe being the first to touch it as "stealing".

Umeme: ... That's not inaccurate.

Radi: There, see? Early bird gets the baobab. Now just hand it over and maybe I'll let that rock chuck sli-

Umeme: [keeps a firm grip] This isn't just any baobab. It's a golden baobab that grows once every 50 years. Legend says that a single bite can grant a person all kinds of crazy good fortune.

Radi: Ooh, wow -- thanks for the much needed exposition. I mean, it's not like I've been searching all over the place so I can find out for myself.

Umeme: Same boat, man.

Both the cheetah and peregrine falcon are caught in quite an impasse, seeing as how they both want to partake of the unforbidden fruit.

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