Chapter 3: Revenge

Start from the beginning

“It’s that Skeeter woman again,” he said angrily.

Hermione lifted up her head up, her face was red and swollen from crying. Harry couldn’t help but notice, that she was very pretty.

“I’m going to let her see. It’s my revenge; she’s going to wish she never wrote those horrible things.”


Early next morning, Hermione and Harry both woke up at the crack of dawn. Meeting in their common room, they made their way towards the owlery. Harry was holding a piece of parchment with a letter to the Department of Magical News. Hermione was holding a photo of a beetle- Rita Skeeter’s animagus form.

“Here, let me see the letter again,” Hermione said anxiously.

She helped Harry write the letter, but had checked it through at least forty times. She read the letter through, twice before handing it back to Harry. Her brow was furrowed into a perfect ‘v’.

“I think it should be fine.”

“It is fine, and I think I’ll seal it now; or you’ll never let me seal it,” he said logically. “It’s fit for sealing!” he added hastily as she gave him a look.

Finally reaching the owlery, they went around trying to find Hedwig. They found Hedwig resting under her wings, between to school barn owls. Attaching the letter with the photo, to Hedwig’s leg, Harry sent her off.

“Do you think it’ll alright?”

“Hermione,” Harry moaned, “I thought you were only like this after exams. Or haven’t I known you long enough to know that you do this when you’re nervous?”

Before Hermione had a chance to answer, the bell went.

“Merlin’s beard! We’re late!” Hermione gasped.

Tearing down the stairs and into their common room, they grabbed their bags. Hermione dashed down the portrait hall with Harry bringing up the rear. Going up the stairs three at a time, they finally managed to get to the Transfiguration classroom.

“Ah, Potter, Miss Granger. You two are late,” Professor McGonagall said in a stern voice.

“Sorry professor, we were just sending letter, and lost track of the time.”

“Well I hope that you will be able to keep track of the time next time, or I will have to take points off. It would be a good idea if you took your seats.”

“Thank you professor.”

Ignoring some sniggering students, Hermione and Harry seated themselves near the back.

“Now, as I was saying, you would need at least four NEWTS, to be able to graduate from Hogwarts. Anyone who fails will need to read another year of NEWTS. I expect everyone of you to pass NEWTS, and I would be most ashamed if no one can receive exceed expectations in Transfiguration……”

Once again, Hermione found her mind wandering. No matter how hard she shook her head, Draco’s face stayed in her mind. 

“Harry, it happened again. I was day dreaming about Draco again.”

“You know, you’re the one who need occlumency lessons.”

“It’s not a joke,” Hermione snapped.

Harry rounded to Hermione.

“You and I both know that you’re worried about the letter, and if Blackstrip will believe us, but we need to keep calm, and you’re not helping yourself by thinking about that letter.”

“I guess you’re right. Come on, we’ve got homework to do.”

Pulling the groaning Harry, Hermione made her way towards their common room.


At breakfast the next day, a tawny landed in front of Hermione with the morning’s Daily Prophet. Disregarding her letters from her parents, Hermione unscrolled the Daily Prophet and disappeared behind it. Suddenly her head poked out from the top of the newspaper, face glowing. She handed the paper to Harry, and he eagerly read the front page.


Rita Skeeter, best news reporter for the Daily Prophet, has been revealed that she is an unregistered animagus. “I was ever so astounded to hear that she is an animagus,” says Hepter Blackstrip, head of Department of Wizarding News.

It was all Harry needed to read. He looked up to Hermione’s glowing face. She had tears welling in her eyes.

“Hermione, do you cry for everything?”

“We did it Harry. We did it!” she was jumping up and down in glee.

She gave Harry a big hug, before skipping of to Arithmancy. She arrived just in time, and made for the front seat. She was happy and gleeful throughout the whole lesson, and found that she didn’t daydream the slightest. 


“You know Harry, Ron, I think today is the best day of my life.”

“Why?” Ron who had come up to Hermione and Harry, had apologized to Hermione, was forgiven by Hermione immediately.

“I first got my revenge, then I got my named cleared by you, and I didn’t daydream about Draco at all!”

“What! You daydreamed about Malfoy!?”

“Well if you didn’t say those hurtful words, and was with Harry and I, you would know the full story, but since you said those words, you might as well know that I daydreamed about Malfoy, but got over it.” 

“Oh,” Ron grumpily said.

“I’ll tell you later,” Harry whispered in his ear.

Looking marginally more cheerful, Ron followed Harry and Hermione towards the dungeons. 


Draco was sitting on the comfy couch in the Slytherin common room as Blaise Zabini walked in.

“What have you been doing these days? I haven’t seen for ages,” he asked.

“I’ve been with Matilda Nottingway.”


“She’s a Hufflepuff.”

“You’ve been going out with a Hufflepuff?” asked Draco, astounded. 

“Just for a dare. I dumped her just then, bet you won’t do that. You’re too scared of other Slytherins making fun of you and losing your stance.”

Draco stood up from the couch and faced Zabini, he had a couple more inches on him. 

“Oh really? Want a bet?”

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