Chapter One | Leaving The Nest

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A/N: My inspiration for uncle Joe is the actor: Carl Marino. I discovered him through watching Homicide Hunter on the Investigation Discovery channel. He plays the young lieutenant Joe Kenda (Hence the reason his name is Joe in this fanfiction).

Violet's POV:

"Do you have everything you need?" My mom asked me curiously as we gave each other a hug. "Yeah, I have everything I need." I replied before letting her go and giving my dad a hug. "Remember that we're just a call away if you need anything." My dad said after we pulled away from each other. "I know dad." I said with a small smile. I have to admit that I was feeling a little nervous about going to college, especially since I have to leave home to attend my classes. I'd miss my parents, but at least I wouldn't be moving an insane distance away from them. "Relax, you two. What? Do you think I can't efficiently watch over your daughter?" My uncle Joe teased them slight with a playful smile on his face. We laughed and they talked for a while before we said some last minute goodbyes. I got in the passenger side door of Joe's black Ford truck. The two of us buckled up and I waved out of the window as my uncle pulled out of the driveway. I looked in the rearview mirror until I couldn't see my mom and dad anymore. That's when a sad feeling made my heart sink to my stomach. 'Maybe choosing a college in the next town wasn't the best idea. I should have just went to community college.' I said inside of my head. The car ride was drowning in silence for a while before anyone spoke up.

"Do you wanna listen to some music?" Joe's voice said, taking me out of my thoughts. "Sure." I replied. He turned the radio on and some classic rock came through the speakers; the volume wasn't high though. Instead of focusing on how I was feeling I turned my attention to the song that was playing, which was Nights In White Satin by The Moody Blues. I Watching the trees and scenery go by as we went and it seemed to help me feel better. I still couldn't help the feeling of nervousness in my stomach though. I guess that's a normal feeling when you leave the nest for the very first time. Hours went by, and before I knew it it was lunch time. My legs were stiff and I'm pretty sure my butt was starting to go numb. Not to mention the fact that I was starting to get a little hungry. "Are you hungry?" Joe's voice said, breaking the silence once again. It was like he read my mind or something. As if on cue my stomach growled, which made the two of us laugh. "I'll take that as a yes." He replied with a smile on his face.

A couple more minutes passed before he pulled into a gas station. I expected a gas station lunch, so I wasn't really surprised or disappointed. After he filled the gas tank with fuel we went inside to get something to eat and pay for the gas. "I have to use the bathroom." I said once we walked into the building. "So do I to be honest." He replied. We walked towards the bathroom together; we had to take turns since they only had one bathroom. As I walked in my nose was assaulted by powerful scent of cleaning supplies. The walls were covered in graffiti. Most of the writing on the walls wasn't readable. The bits that were readable were curse words plus a few obscene drawings. I locked the door behind me before putting a thick layer of toilet paper between my butt and the toilet seat. Even though the room smelled like cleaning products, I wasn't taking the chance to catch any kind of sexual transmitted diseases or something. Once I was finished I washed my hands before leaving the bathroom.

While my uncle was using the bathroom I walked around to stretch my legs and stuff. Eventually I picked out a pepperoni roll, a bottle of coke, a bottle of water, and a bag of chips. The water was for later just in case I got thirsty during the rest of the journey. "Did you get everything you want?" Joe asked me curiously once we met up near the front of the store. "Yeah I think so." I replied. We walked up to the cashier who had a name tag that said Kevin. As I took in his appearance I noticed that he has dirty blond colored and hazel eyes. "Good afternoon. Is this everything for today?" Kevin asked us in a bored sounding tone. "Yeah." Joe replied with a small smile. After my uncle paid for everything we headed back out to his truck. "Do you wanna eat first or eat as we drive on?" He asked me curiously after we were buckled in. I decided that we should just keep driving so it wasn't night time before we got to his house. We ate and I was glad that he was able to drive, eat, and drink at the same time. Well... not at the exact same time, because that would be impossible.

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