Chapter Two - Jet Lag

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When we got to our new house we were disappointed to find the only furniture was two small beds, a refrigerator, a stool and a tv that looked like it belonged in the 80's but I didn't really care, I was happy, I was basically living my dream and we could always redecorate.

I after deciding which of the identical rooms we wanted, we sat our bags in our rooms and I turned my phone back on, and off airplane mode so I could go check twitter and tweet we got there etc. PawPrints called her family in her own room, on her own phone.

I walked into the open kitchen area and sat on the counter well going back to my phone, I had over a thousand notifications I flicked though them replying to as many as I could, I decided to actually tweet we were there, the first notifications I got was from Phil saying welcome to London and Dan saying he could show us about if we wanted him to, I replied 'Thanks, it's beautiful here.' to Phil and 'I might just take you up on that offer ^-^' I typed to Dan I stared at my phone a bit before tweeting it, I closed my eyes and smiled to myself, leaning my head on the cabinet.

PawPrints walked into the kitchen and stared into the empty refrigerator.

"You know we have to go to a store and buy food it won't just magically appear if you stare at the 'frig long enough.." I slid off the counter well saying that.

"What's a good store around here then?"

I shrugged, I thought of calling Dan to ask but I decided not to so I just googled it, I found there was good store about fifteen minutes from our flat so we drove there with the help of a GPS, if it wasn't for that we probably would've gotten lost and died...

We bought all the necessities and we had a bit left so we bought a couch that was to be delivered sometime in the next couple of days.

After we got back we decided to record a little update-vlog explaining what was going on. After we finished with the same outro we had, had since almost the beginning of our channel, I pulled my laptop out of my suitcase and started to edit the video while Becky started to make some food but after a couple of minutes she started panicking over the cooking so I had to go help. The meal turned out better then I would have expected, how has she lived this long by herself I thought, 'Just don't ask questions.' I thought to myself as I ate, I finished editing and rewatched the video before putting it up.

After I finished our dinner it was getting dark and we were a bit jetlagged so we decided to just make our beds and go to sleep, I wound up not being able to sleep so I just stayed on tumblr for a couple hours before bed, after a hour I got a text;

From: Dan

Subject: Read

"There's a youtube meeting tomorrow at google, are you going?"

"I guess so, I'll have to ask Becky if she's going though." I replied

"Okay, if you're going then I can pick you up and would you please ask Becca soon so Phil can stop bugging me."

"I have no idea where google is here so that sounds great ^-^ and Beckys asleep but I'll ask her when she wakes up."

"Great and well I guess Phil will just have to be patient then. (he's looking over my shoulder btw)"

I laughed "xD classic Phil."


I yawned "Well it's pretty late I should get going 'night." I didn't really want to go but I guess I'll see him tomorrow...


I locked my phone and sat it on my bag that kinda became my side table until I got a real one. But right as I started to fall asleep the phone buzzed it was Dan again.

"What's your address?"

I sent him my address, said goodnight and actually went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up about a hour later then I wanted so I took a five minute shower and changed into a white sleeping with sirens t-shirt, a black hoodie, black skinny jeans, black army boots, some bracelets, a white beanie with black, gray and white buttons on it, I put on a plain chain necklace and my favorite black earrings, I straightened my hair and I looked at myself in the full body mirror that was pre hung on my door, which scared the life out of me the first time I closed my door, I didn't look to bad, pretty good for a first impression in my taste.

I expected Becky was already awake so I went to the kitchen to get some cereal, when she wasn't there I got a bit worried but I just expected Phil picked her up early but I rang her just incase, she answered sounding groggy "Hey?"

"Where are you?" I asked.

She was silent for a moment then said "In my room... Why?"

I ran down the short hall to Becky's room "What are you doing?! We're leaving for youtube and you're still in your pajamas!"

"Youtube?? We're going to youtube?" she quickly stood up, paused for a moment and ran past me and into the bathroom.

I knocked on the door "Are you okay?"

She came out a moment later "I'll be fine, don't worry." She ran back into the bathroom. When she came back out she said "Okay, I feel awful but I don't want to skip going to youtube.."

I pulled her back to her room and sat her on her bed "Just lay down and call me if you need anything, okay?"


"No buts, your il and you should stay here just for today, en'kay? you can go to youtube next time, nothing that exciting will happen, trust me."

"Ook..." she said pouting.

I chuckled but I heard a knock at the door, 'It must be Dan' I thought "I'll see you when I get back, okay?"


I half ran down the hall and to the door opening it, Dan was about to knock again and almost hit me in the face.

"Sorry, door, face-" he trailed off.

"My fault, It's okay." I said cheerfully.

Phil came up the hall calling after Dan who seemed to have gone ahead without him.

"'ello Phil." I said smiling.

"Hey." He said smiling back. "Where's Becca?" he asked trying to look past me.

"She's feeling a bit ill and has to stay home."

Phil immediately had the face of fear and quickly said "Can I go see her, please?"

"Yeah, sure-" I barely moved out of Phil's way before he practically ran past me and down the hall.

Dan laughed and so did I, "Well I'm guessing he doesn't want to come with now..?" I half asked, half stated.

"I think you're right, well shall we go then?" he held out his hand and I took it closing the door behind me. We went down the elevator and walked outside to a taxi that took us straight to google hq.

A/N: Phil is so caring it's flipping adorable :3 that's all I needed to say... (Great Authors Note xD)

Sorry the chapters so short (btdubs) the next chapter will be better, I hope so at least < Miss Kate and Miss Becca's flat design

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