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I'm sat in front of my father, who silently writes down notes, either plotting to hunt his wife down or to prepare everything for his son's funeral. We've been in the plane for the last five hours, the most pure silence settled between us, nobody daring to disturb us, the only sounds being the soft movement of the pen on the paper and the sharp sound of my knives as I sharpen each blade.

"Where did you go?" he finally asks, leaving the notebook and the pen on the table between us.

"To help some friends, to lash out, to say goodbye."

"That boy, Marc-"

"Could we not?" I cut him off, my eyes meeting his for the first time since we got in the plane. "So what's next? Mikaela's last contact is in Russia. They pledged loyalty to us too, now we can test their word."

"After the funeral."

"It'll give her more time to disappear, we're letting her out-"

"Après le funeral, Hela." He repeats, marking each word, his tone leaving clear that he was not to be challenged now.

"Fine." I sigh and silence fall upon us again. Hiding the last knife on its holder, I look up to my father, asking the question I know he doesn't want to hear. "Do you still love her?"

"She deserves what's coming to her."

"That's not an answer."

"You won't like the answer." He says, sighing as he closes his eyes and rubs his temple.

"How can you-"

"You love Maria, and she betrayed you, yet you still want to protect her. You love Marcus, you fought it and you lost. We do not choose. I love your mother, of course I do and I know that I shouldn't, not after all she's done but I can't fight it." He confesses; his blue eyes deep in mine. They hold grief, sadness, tiresome but they also hold anger, mischief, and the hint of the devil in them. "Now, don't get me wrong. My love for you mother does not outgrow my rage. Mikaela will die screaming."

"She'll kill herself before we see her beg for death."

"Live is a curse, mon enfant. Especially for your mother, she does not fear death, but she doesn't want to go yet."

"She's afraid." I state knowing exactly what my mother fears more deep inside. "Not to die, she's afraid of what would happen after. She's afraid she will reach Helheim, she's scared of the Gods."

"I never understood her. So much faith on her old Gods, yet so little faith in humanity." My father whispers, more to himself than me.

"Maybe that's her human side, she holds to what she loves. When she taught us about them, she always talked the best words I've ever shear she say and mean. She always thought the Gods were the most beautiful thing ever created, apart from her, obviously." I joke making him chuckle and shake his head. "I want to see Kuroki beg for mercy."

"You will. Use that rage, Hela. Your emotions make you strong, drive from them. Be emotional when you need to be, be ruthless when facing your enemies, cold as ice when facing your fears." My father repeats the same words he used to tell me when I trained, being just a little girl. "But do not let revenge consume you, hold to the good in your life too."

"The good in my life? Henrik's dead and I left my friends behind. I didn't get to hug Saya 'cause just looking at her made me angry, and I left Marcus, and Billie and Petra. There are few things I care about now out of my revenge." I cynically laugh, looking through the window, seeing the clouds pass under us.

"Then focus on that, you're a leader now and an assassin, remember this ma fille: you're the next generation of the most influential people in the whole wide world."

Dad's words make me nod, understanding the meaning behind them. It was true, in a few years he'd retire, go back to Orleans to die where he was born, where he became what he is, back to the land he loved. And after him, my time to rise will come.

My time to lead the League alone, to decide who is worthy of our alliances, who should be betrayed, ending as collateral damage for a bigger plan, who would become my second in command.

My time to rearrange the word as I please, my generation's time to rule over it, to tear it down because we don't like it as it is now. To build something for us, something we believe on, only to be burnt down by the next generation, as it should be. Our time to reborn as the society we wish we had grown up in. But most importantly, my time to be reborn.


what a ride, i loved writing this, the emotions, the raw scenes, the funny lines and the deep monologues. maybe the best thing i've ever written tbh.

a BIG THANK YOU for all the reads and comments and votes and the patience, seriously a huge lot of thank yous!!

so now is time for you guys to let me know a few things:

* feelings about the book? (how it's written, things to make better, etc)

* what was the part you most liked? and the one you liked the least?

* favorite character and ship dynamics (and be friendship / love / family, etc)

*something you loved / hated about the book ?

* do you want a sequel? (bc idk if we're getting a season 2 but whatever)

* if you do, any faceclaims for possible new characters (seriosuly tho, i need ideas nobody i can think of has the whole murder of gifs with weapons thing i'd need :)) )

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