Chapter 15

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It is said alcohol and drugs poison our brains, but only one of them is socially accepted. It's funny, that we are socially expected to drink; refusing to do so is weird. Bu the whole opposite happens with drugs. You do them, in the open, and you're socially rejected. You're an addict; you'll never find a job or be someone respectable. Its' all hypocrisy, all of it.

I make my way into the club, moving silently to the rhythm of the music, sending flirty smiles at some girls who check me out. The black short dress hugged me perfectly, and the cleavage cut, showing enough for the bouncer to let me in, no ID needed.

The mission was easy: find Yukio, know what he knows, threaten him to give away any possible location and leave him. If Soto Vatos wanted him dead I was not going to intervene, any involvement would cause a pain in the ass if Lin found out.

As I make my way to the bar, I smile at the guy who pours two drinks to the giggly girls next to me, before his perfect white smile flashes at me.

"What can I get you, redhead?"

"Gin, dry." I command and he nods, pouring it fast. "Hey, any possibility I can get a drink to that table?" I ask over the music, pointing at the Kuroki's book.

"Maybe, would I get in exchange?"

"How about fifty?" I smirk back as he grabs the bill and pours the drinks. He turns away and I drop the little round pill inside the alcohol, smiling at the bartender when he motions for a guy to deliver the drink. "Pleasure doing business."

Attentive, I wait until Yukio drown the drink, no questions asked. I stay close, dancing to the rhythm with anyone who got close to me, blending in. When I see the boy get up and walk to the bathroom, I send an apologizing smile to the brunette girl, who nods at me and turns around to keep dancing with a blonde chick.

Yukio enters the bathroom, stumping a little bit. As I follow him inside, I grab one of the metal cloth holders, locking the door so nobody can walk in and interrupt us. I stare at him, as she splashes water on his face, trying to get a little bit sober, but failing at that.

"It won't work." I warn him, making him turn to me shocked. "You should never mix whiskey and drugs, pills make you dizzy, weak."

"But I didn't get pills."

"I know, but I did. Slipped it on your drink, you should never take drinks from strangers, nor take your eyes off it, but I guess nobody taught you that. They tend to teach girls only, guess why." I tease smirking at him. Yukio tries to punch me, but I grab his arm twisting it behind him and slamming it against the mirror, making it crack a little bit.


"You haven't seen half of it yet." Turning him around, I grab him by the hair, his eyes meeting mine. "Mikaela Iversen. Talk."

"I don't know who she is."

"Don't bullshit me, Kuroki. I'm not going to kill you, but torture is a hundred percent in my plans."

"I'll kill you for this, Lin will expel you." He sloppy says making me chuckle.

"Bold of you to assume you'll remember any of this." And with that, I get a hold of the back of his head and push it under the tap, as I grab one of the towels. I cover his face wish the towel and turn to water on, it goes for a while until I stop and he coughs for air. "Last chance, you won't get a third one. Mikaela Iversen, talk."

I roll my eyes when instead of talking he stares back at me blankly. Rolling my eyes I dug his head back and cover it with the towel. We go on and off, and as my patience is no what you'd call extended; I grab one of the knives under on my thigh holder, covered by my dress.

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