Chapter 20

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A/N: i'm really emotional about this chapter and it broke my heart. Only two more to go (next and epilogue) if someone wants a warning, there's violence, torture and death

I move carefully from behind one tree to the next, not taking my eyes off the building. We soundlessly move through the backyard, observing the three armed men on the roof. Looking to my right side, I see my father nod, motioning me to wait. Seconds after, we see them fall to the ground, the snipers confirming they're down and we're clear.

Father and I climb the two trees that allow us to jump onto the balcony in the superior level. Toying with the knife, the safe of the window breaks, I push it upwards and I silently slide into the building before closing it again.

"We're in, team alpha stay sharp." I hear my father's voice on command.

Walking down the hall, we see two armed men, guarding the door to accede to the central hall. I move behind one of them, covering his mouth before slicing his throat and holding him, pulling him away in a dark corner, my father doing the same to the other guard.

"Superior level clear, alpha in."

I look at Daniel who grabs one of the swords on his back and signs to the door and then to the left. Once we open the door, he moves right and as he motioned me, I go left, clearing the zone. Once we make sure it's empty, we follow down the stairs to the medium level, to meet alpha and to reach our objective.

As we walk down the stairs, I see a Kuroki woman turn the hall, her eyes widening for half a second when she sees us. Before she can reach the gun on her side, I throw a knife at her, making her fall to the floor. I walk closer to grab the knife and discard the gun, not wanting any surprises.

Suddenly, gunshots can be heard from the floor beneath us. We walk closer to the edge of the balcony which allows us to see the middle level. Ten Kuroki are fighting our assassins. Goodbye to the surprise element I guess.

Dad and I cross looks before jumping off the railing, I land on my hands as I roll and I stab the nearest Kuroki on the knee before kicking him on the jaw and slicing his throat. Throwing three of my little sharp knives, I take out one more agent as they land on his throat head and heart. Someone pulls my hoodie off, grabbing a bunch of my hair and pulling it down, making me pull my head back. They use that to grab my waist and throw me to the ground, hey move to straddle me as they kick my head against the floor. Suddenly, their dead body falls on me, kicking it to the side I see Dana pointing a gun at us, nodding at me before moving on.

"Incoming, bosses."

"We're full in here, shoot to kill." I order kicking a woman against the wall.

"You two, cover us. Hela, we need to move." My father says, retracting his sword from someone chest and walking into a hallway.

We follow running after him until we arrive to where the hidden door is placed. Moving the big and quite frankly horrible painting, the steel reinforced door appears in front of us.

The blonde leader pulls a bottle of spray out a pocket, the fingerprints revealed with the spray allowing us to see the most used numbers. After a minute, he enters the right combination: 8-5-6-7. The combination making my eyes rolls, May 8th of '65, Henrik's date of birth, really funny.

"Stay here." I order before walking through the door.

The way is dark, the lights not doing much to illuminate the hallway. When we hear movement inside, my hand flies to the knife on my right side, my father grabbing the gun on his left leg, stopping he motions me to go to the right side while he takes the other, to clear and explore as there weren't any blueprints of this place.

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