Chapter 13

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After helping Saya get her arm fix, we decide to check on Maria. We enter the room, Saya by my side as she didn't trust the ambience if we were left alone. As if I was going to fight with Maria over a boy, chicks before dicks, simple girl code.

We hear two Dixie girls gossip about her, not realizing she's right there, until they both put a fake face, nearly as fake as their hair. One thing I actually respect about Brandy, in contrast to her insufferable friends, is that she's direct and honest to everyone she dislikes. However that doesn't make any less the fact I'll end up stabbing her once I graduate, that's on my to-do list.

"Who gives a shit what those assholes think?"

"Even more Dixie girls, those chemicals on their hairs have gotten into their insignificant brain." I joke trying to lift the mood.

"I just worry about it spreading. That Gao lady's some kind of bitch."

"She doesn't scare me." Saya quickly replies. "It was a cheap shot. You didn't say anything to her, did you?"

"Is that what you two think?"

"No. No, we know you wouldn't, it's all of our necks on it but we had to ask, no harm done right?" I defend her, Maria's lips coming to form a tight line and I can tell she's annoyed.

"So everyone keeps reminding me." She says before heading to the mirror and starts to button up her uniform shirt. "Well, it's not so bad. I have Marcus. Now that I'm in a normal relationship, I finally realize I don't need those pills anymore."

"Wait, what?" Saya and I ask at the same time. Maria needed the pills, now more than ever as a matter of fact.

"I feel great."

"Yeah and we're happy for you, but, Maria, you have to take your medicine." I tell her, my voice dripping with caution.

"Are you a doctor now?" she asks challenging, turning to look at us.

"Look, Maria, we're happy you're happy, you more than anyone deserve happy. You have a good thing going on, but don't fuck it up. You need them, for everything that happened and what's going to happen in the future, you need those pills." Concern covers my tone as I walk near her. "You can't just drop it. We're just looking out for you."

"Well you should mind your business Hela. Not your call to make." And with that she turns around and leaves us behind.

"Fuck." I sight letting my head fall back.

"Hey." I hear Saya's voice as I feel her good hand on my shoulder. "She'll understand, don't' worry, she'll come around." I nod, squeezing her hand; she gabs it and turns me around, concern on her eyes. "How you doing?"

"Me? Good I guess." I tell her confuse.

"Okay, now try with the truth. I know you and Marcus had a thing, and I know it was going on while Vegas. But I also know whatever is bothering you I bigger than some boy. It's something with your mother, right?"

I stare at her for some time, my mind processing everything, asking if I should confide on her. She's Saya, she's been my friend since the first day, she's the most truth worthy person I know. Slowly I nod, taking a big breath and I feel her squeeze my hand this time.

"Mikaela has sold us. She betrayed us, told various organizations about our secrets and plans."

"Okay, but you can make new things, new deals, new profits; I mean you guys are prepared for that."

"Yes, that's handled already, I informed my father the second I knew about it. But there's something else." I continue, looking into her dark eyes. "When your family came to try and get you, they paid me a visit too. Mikaela made a deal with Kenji."

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