We walk out to my my moms BMW X5. I plug up the aux cord and play Provider by Frank Ocean as my mom drives to Wood Ranch.

Melo POV

"Game!!!" I yell as I shoot a deep three and it goes in. I walk into the locker room so I can change into my sweats and slides. The first game of the season was coming up and I couldn't wait to get out on the court. It was cold as fuck outside and snowing so I wasn't walking to the players house. I catch a ride with JJ instead.

When I walk into the house I go straight to my room. I put the bag of Wendy's we got on the way on my bed. I get undressed so I can hop in the shower.

Before I get in Ashley FaceTimes me so I answer.

Ashley: heyy.

Melo: wassup baby.

Ashely: I was just calling are you busy?

Melo: I was bout to hop in the shower.

Ashley: ok just call me after babe.

Melo: bet.

I put my phone down and continue to get in the shower.

Brandi POV

Our food is brought out and my mom and I eat and talk.

Jackie: so what's going on with Melo?

Brandi: what you mean what's going on?

Jackie: like where is he playing? Last thing you told me Lavar sent him to Lithuania.

Brandi: oh no they're back now mom. Melo wanted to finish his high school year so he's playing at a prep school in Ohio.

Jackie: awww well that's nice he gets to finish high school. You miss him? You guys been like Friends for years.

Brandi: yeah of course I miss him. I'm just stoked he gets to play high school again.

Jackie: I remember when you two used to both play for Chino. Lavar, Tina, and I used to be the loudest parents in the gym. (Laughs) How is she?

Brandi: Gelo told me she's getting a lot better then the last time I seen her.

Jackie: that's good I miss my girl. We should go see them one day. You think so?

Brandi: yeah that would be nice. I haven't really been there to visit since Melo left.

Jackie: alright we'll do that then.

Brandi: ok what about you mom?

Jackie: what about me?

Brandi: Any guys catching your eye. On your list?

Jackie: oh baby you know I don't have time for a relationship. All I do is work.

Brandi: come on mom. Like really, I can't remember the last time you've been a serious relationship. Like for more than a year.

Jackie: that's because the last man I gave my heart to blessed me with a beautiful baby girl and then ran off.

Brandi: mom Leon left 13 years ago. You telling me nobody is catching your eye.

Jackie: no baby, after your father ran off I find it hard to put my all into a man. But that doesn't mean I can't put my self back out there.

Brandi: there we go mom. Look at you, your hot. Men probably would kiss your feet.

Jackie: B stop (laughs).

Brandi: I'm serious mom promise me you'll start finding someone.

Jackie: I promise.

We finish eating our food until we were done. My mom paid the bill and we got back in the car to drive home.

Melo POV

As I'm laying down in bed eating Wendy's I call Brandi. When she answers she was in her sleeping shorts and tank top.

Brandi: hey Dip.

Melo: wassup B.

Brandi: just left dinner with my mom. How was practice?

Melo: it was straight. Ready for the season tho. You coming to my first game?

Brandi: did you really just ask me that? Hell yeah I'm coming. Front row if I can.

Melo: I'm just making sure my nigga. Aye what if I told you I got Ashely pregnant?

Brandi: what the fuck you just say? MELO!!!

Melo: I'm playing chill (laughs). We ain't had sex in a minute and she on birth control.

Brandi: ok Melo some things I just don't need to know.

Melo: haha my bad. Nah but I'm about to crash and call her. Love you.

Brandi: Love You too Dip. Night.

Melo: goodnight.

After Brandi hangs up I FaceTime Ashley. The phone rings about 7 times and she didn't pick up. I call her back and then she picks up.

Melo: you was sleep?

Ashley: mmhmm.

Melo: my bad baby get yo sleep.

Ashley: noo stay and fall asleep with me.

We just talked on the phone until we both fell asleep on FaceTime together.

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