On the road- Part 2 of 3

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Little Nuggets Chat

Veronica: you know who's hot

Betty: Jug

Kevin: Jug

Veronica: Jug

Veronica: wAit it was my question

Veronica: and u were all wrong

Cheryl: Ian somehalder


Cheryl: I'm an openly lesbian teen. I can think guys are hot but not get feelings like straight girls can think girls are hot but not catch feelings

Veronica: you saw the Damon in a towel scene

Cheryl: ya

Toni: Cher!

Cheryl: it's not like I would date him. I would be his lesbian best friend

Toni: okay

Cheryl: but you are bi soo

Toni: nope I love you

Betty: aW Choni

Veronica: you know a lot of the readers think Choni is toxic

Archie: readers?


Archie: I broke in

Kevin: well break out!!

Archie: k bye

Betty: weird

Kevin: male gingers

Cheryl: thank you for saying male

Kevin: well duh Cheryl I thought you were bae

Cheryl: turns out you're just fam

Kevin: no srsly tho ily

Cheryl: ly2 gay bestie

Veronica: wow okay this is boring

Betty: can I just say the writer loves when the readers comment funny things on their story

Toni: yeah I noticed that too! And they don't like to use bad words but if people did use minor swearing it would be okay


Road Trip chat

Cheryl: truth or dare Veronica

Toni: there is tea to be spilled

Veronica: truth

Cheryl: who do you think is the better kisser: Archie or Sweet Pea?

Betty: karchie...😢

Cheryl: no they are still working stuff out but Veronica has kissed them both soooo

Betty: oh yeah okay makes sense

Veronica: um sweet pea

Veronica: Jughead truth or dare

Jughead: dare

Veronica: I dare you to... make out with Betty right here right now

Betty: ummm okay

Jughead: got no choice

*bughead makeout and a button from Betty's shirt tears off and hits Kevin in the forehead*

Cheryl: KEVIN!!

Veronica: he's dying

Toni: any famous last words??
Kevin: at least

Kevin: at least I got to die watching Bughead make out, which for future generations means lots of heated kissing without nakedness

Toni: geez paragraph but okay

Kevin: *dies*

Cheryl: NOO!!!!!! 😭😭😭

Veronica: wow you guys were close

Cheryl: the closest

Toni: Ehem

Cheryl: As gay besties not lovers silly

Veronica: awww

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