Idiots. A voice whispered from the shadows.

Kenpachi narrowed his eyes at where a certain someone was hiding.



With Aizen..

A disguised Aizen stealthily entered the library and started looking around. The name that he gave me sounds old, so it should be in the old books if it is here.

Aizen looked at the spines of the books when suddenly something caught his eyes. He looked at the symbol and smirked. I think I found it.

He opened the book and started reading it. His eyes widened when he reached the section about the sons of the sage.

Hagoromo Otsutsuki or better known as the Sage of Sixth Path had two sons, Indra and Asura Otsutsuki. Indra, the eldest son, was a prodigy quite the opposite of the younger brother, Asura, who was the drop-out brother. Now what Indra only possessed was the sharingan. Indra was the first person who invented Ninjutsu that the Shinobi used. Later on, Indra was denied the place as the heir to Ninshu, and instead, Asura became the next leader. This made Indra furious. Years later, the two brothers fought with each other —a battle of Gods is what the people called it. Indra Otsutsuki became the Uchiha Clan ancestor, and Asura Otsutsuki became the Uzumaki and Senju ancestor. When Hagoromo Otsutsuki was dying, Indra approached his estranged father, boldly telling him that his cowardly approach to peace would only bring about greater wars, which Indra would take advantage of to destroy ninshū while vowing to do so in as many reincarnations as necessary. As a result of this, the Uchiha and the Senju have been on constant war with each other.

Aizen looked at the two pictures before the text, and his eyes widened. He turned to the next page, and his breath hitched at the note.

"I applaud you for managing to find this book. Now you know who I am. I wonder what you will do with this information. Remember if you tell someone in any way even using loopholes, you will die. After all, dead men tell no tales. Looking forward to our next meeting, Aizen Souske."

- Indra Otsutsuki

As soon as Aizen read the last word the book caught fire, he quickly dropped the book and not a minute later the book was turned to ash.

"Otsutsuki Indra..." Aizen smirked. "Interesting."



With Indra..

Indra moved the Black Queen a step forward and smirked.


With Byakuya

Byakuya looked silently at the shrine in front of him.

"Master Byakuya It is time." A shinigami said as he bowed. "Please get ready to leave for the Sokyoku."

"All right...I'll be going, Hisana."


With Shunsui

"Captain! I was looking all over for you? Don't just lie there."Nanao said as he glared at the sleeping figure of Shunsui. "You must hurry and prepare yourself!"

"Nanao I have a little problem." Shunsui said. "Will you hear me out?"

A tick mark appeared on Nanao's temple. "What is it?"

"You see, I put this blade of grass in my mouth thinking it'd make me look cool, but I guess it was poisonous or something. The inside of my mouth is burning."

Book 1: Indra's Return ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt