Unexpected Confession...

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Brooke: Shadow! Quuueeeeee-eeeeee-eeeeesssssstttttiiiii-iiiiii-iiiii-oooonnn!

Shadow: You need help...

Brooke: No, I'm just born crazy! Well....not as crazy as my cousin......
And speaking of my cousin...
Hey, Sticks! My feral cousin of mine!

Sticks: What do you want!?

Rest of the team: *walk in*

Sonic: We can hear you from outside!

Brooke: Shadow got a question!

Brooke: Shadow got a question!

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Shadow: 0_0......

Everyone else even Sticks: *look at Shadow*

Shadow: No! <_< ' That's nonsense! Such a rediculous question! Why would I!?

Brooke: You denied 4 times! You're lying!

Shadow: So...what if the orange badger is attractive? I don't—*realizes what he called Sticks* Uh—I mean—

The rest of the boys: Oooooooh!

Tails: So, he does!

Sonic: Shadzy's gotta soft side!

Knuckles: Idk what I'm teasing about so I'm just teasing you too! 😊

Brooke: Knuckles...here's a coloring book...*gives him a coloring book and crayons* Color the pretty tiger!

Knuckles: Ok! *grabs the crayons and coloring book and starts coloring*

David: *randomly opens the door without knocking and* Delivery!

Sonic: I ordered that yesterday!

Brooke: Why didn't you just ask? I could made more!

Sonic: I thought you were busy...

David: Here you go...

Sonic: Thanks...finally.......I guess......

David: Who are you?

Sticks: My cousin! Brooke!

Brooke: 'Uh oh....'

David: Hey! You were the one that stole the chilli dogs from Meh Burger!

Brooke: I told you! I was gonna come back to pay! But, then you called the cops on me! So, I had to hide! *hands him money* There! Happy now!?

David: Satyfied. Here's your order, Sticks!

Sticks: I didn't order anything...

David: On the house! *hands her the bag*

Sonic: Wait! Why is Sticks getting free food that she didn't even order!?

David: You're so whiney! Just because you're super famous hero, doesn't mean you get things for free!

Sonic: 😑


David: What? No! Just open the bag!

Sticks: *opens bag and sees a special looking burger and milk shake and a few flowers...with a bit of roots on them* Uh......Thanks.....?

David: You're pretty, Sticks! Bye! *walks out of the door and closes it*

Shadow: Grrrrr......*jealous*

Amy: Awww someone's jealous!

Shadow: Uh......

Sticks: It's ok Shadow! I have a crush on you too!

Shadow: *smiles*

Sonic: I've seen him smirk...But, never a completely big smile...

(Sorry about David popping outta no where......I wanted to add some drama......)

Brooke: Well, thanks for reading everyone! Or......pretty much...just one.....Why do other Sonic Ask or Dare books have so many people reading? I don't have a problem or anything. I'm just confused...Thanks for the support Sonicfan010! BYYYYYYEEEEEE!!!!!!

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