Chapter Two*

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Chapter 2: The Hunt

Red, Mother, and Grandmother packed their weapons: shotguns and knives, each person gets one of each. Mother got the horses prepared. Red and her family has not hunted ever since Red's father has died. He was the one that always lead the search parties. Red was his main companion and would always get the first shot and kill. Red's mother did not like the idea of Red going out to hunt all by herself, so she would go to the market for years. This time Red is with nobody. Grandmother and Mother are together; Red is all by herself.

For a very long time, they have not ate fresh meat. They all agree that they would only hunt Wolf and no other animal. Mother directed Red which way to go and to yell out if she is in trouble. Red nodded and rode off in to the forest. She was very quiet and scared. She heard some kind of moaning combined with crunching. Red slowed down and got off her horse. She followed the sound very quietly. She lifted up her shotgun and knife. When she got closer she started to make the picture of Wolf. She walked closer and closer, snap, snap, snap, SNAP! She stepped on a large twig. She paused as she saw Wolf slowly turned around.

Red stayed where she was and tried to stop breathing. Wolf leaped and Red ran for her life. She tried yelling, but nothing seem to come out of her mouth. She said a prayer in her head while she ran, maybe that will work.

Meanwhile, Grandmother and Mother were still on their horse, cautiously looking around. Grandmother was holding her knife and gun, Mother was guiding the horse. She looked and paused every five seconds, between shrubs, trees, plants, and every speck of dirt.

"Is she going to be okay?" Grandmother asked.

"She is a brave young girl, I'm sure she can handle herself. Plus, she is very smart," Mother replied, still looking around in all directions.

"I hope so. Red is very courages," Grandmother said.

"You know, she's very much like her father. She is brave and will try to 'save the world'. She loves everyone very much and is very trustworthy and honest. She is basically the best child there is!" Mother said, trying to make Grandmother feel better.

Red kept running as fast as she could, her horse was left behind due to time. Wolf was close behind.

"Get away from me!!" Red yelled.

"Nope, you tried to shoot me, now I try to bite you!"

Red moved her torso around and started to aim at Wolf. It was also very hard because its almost impossible to aim at a moving object while your a moving object. Wolf leaped, but Red jumped out of the way just in time. Red kept running, but this time she was as fast as a furious bull. She yelled. She yelled again, and again, and again. Unfortunately, she was so far away that Mother couldn't hear her death yell. Red panicked, she had no idea what to do.

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