Damn you, universe. Why the hell are my mates famous and more likely to get hurt than anyone else??

Before their eyes could find me, I discreetly moved to under the bleachers. Carly followed me and threw me a look of confusion.

I hid from them because when I realized who they were, the whole mate thing just got a whole lot more real to me. They could feel my pain, and I didn't want that for anyone.

Carly didn't understand why I hid because I've always had that 'meh' attitude about mates. I quickly explained to her why I hid and she gives me a look of deep understanding and that's when I know the same thoughts crossed her mind too.

I looked through the gap in the bleachers to see the avengers all looking in our general direction and I swore.

"Damn! Now how are we gonna get outta here without them noticing?" I questioned.

"I understand your feelings, Eryn, but I really think you should at least meet them because it's not fair on them if you keep running out on them. You should at least explain to them why you're avoiding them," Carly told me.

"I know but I'm just not ready to tell them quite yet. I think I'll prank Scott, Brittany, and their crew before I stop avoiding them," I told her remembering my plan to prank them.

Pranking them should give me more time to avoid the Avengers and it'll take my mind off of them too.

"Promise?" She asked.

"Pinky promise," I promised while linking pinkies with her.

Yeah I'd stop avoiding them after the prank, but I won't seek them out. I smirked at the thought as the assembly finished up and the principal dismissed us.

I held Carly's hand so we wouldn't lose each other in the crowd and started crowd weaving with her, hopefully losing the avengers gaze in the crowd. We ran to our lockers, which were right next to each other.

"Okay so what's the plan?" Carly asked me referring to the prank.

I smirked mischievously before whispering the plan in her ear. Her eyes went wide with excitement and mischief and mimicked my smirk as we went to work.

It took us one class period to set up and another one waiting for the perfect timing to start the prank. Soon enough, Scott and Co. rounded the corner on their way to lunch and I pulled on the rope that would make the bucket of paint filled water balloons crash down on top of them. Then, they slid on the strategically placed water on the floor and Carly poured the bucket of honey on them. Lastly, the finishing touch was me pulling the rope with the bucket of feathers that was pulled upside down and gravity took hold of the feathers which scattered and stuck to them. The hallway stared in shock and laughed at them. Carly gave me a high five and we doubled over laughing. Brittany was screeching with her goons and Scott looked murderous. He started towards Carly and I and, before he could reach us, we sprinted to the lunch room.

It was quite the chase as everyone made their way into the lunchroom by then who weren't in the hallway so it made it a lot easier to run. The adrenaline overcame me and overpowered the tingling I felt all over my body as I grew closer to the lunchroom. Carly and I barreled through the double doors, sprinted to our table and hid behind our other friends.

"Quick hide us!!" We whisper yelled at them as we did our best to hide ourselves behind them.

They did their best to nonchalantly hide us behind their backs as Scott barreled through the doors as well. He stopped and looked around for us.

The whole lunchroom started bursting out laughing at him and he scowled further. He wiped some honey out of his eyes that dripped down from his hair and that just made us laugh harder.

"MAXWELL, YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!" He screamed as he exited the lunchroom, presumably to the bathroom to wash up as best he could.

Carly and I sat down in our seats by our friends choking on our laughter and tears running down our faces.

"Woah you guys that one was awesome!" Brody told us giving us each a high five and grinning with mirth.

"You guys should've seen their faces when we poured honey over them though!" Carly exclaimed which set off another round of laughter.

With the adrenaline having died down, I felt the tingling all over my body and froze. Oh no. They're in here and saw all of that and now that the prank is over, I can't avoid them either. Shit.

I asked Carly, "the avengers are sitting at the back table in the corner behind me aren't they?"

She looked over my shoulder, smirked, and replied with a smug grin, "yup they sure are. And you can't avoid them now."

I groaned before hitting my forehead on the table.

The MARVELOUS Adventures of Eryn Maxwell (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now