"What the hell!?" I yelled. Everyone went quiet cause they weren't used to me fighting back. "What is wrong with you!?" Lydia just laughed.

"Tryna be tough for once, pup? That's real cute." I slowly started to get up. Being cautious that I was outnumbered I knew I shouldn't start something I couldn't finish.

"Look, what do you want?" I asked annoyed holding my head. She laughed.
'No she cackled.' I thought smugly.

Out of no where that bitch slapped me and I stumbled back.
'Wow, being slapped twice in one day. NEW RECORD!'

Tears started brimming in my eyes as leaned against the lockers for support. My head was pounding so hard I thought I would collapse any minute now. "Sorry, I just thought you should wipe that smile off your face. Now your listening and I'm speaking." I nodded shocked.

"Did you enjoy your drink, omega?" And in that one sentence it clicked what this whole thing was about.

'Why is everything around here about him!?' I couldn't help but think.

"Lash." I whispered to myself.

"Yes, Lash." She stated putting her hands on her hips angrily. 'Curse our werewolf hearing!'

Let me fill you in on the she devil standing before me. Lydia Byron...

That b*tch has been a thorn in my side from the first day I met her. When me and Lash ever tried to be alone she was attached to his hip. Lash used to rant to me about how annoying it was that he couldn't be on his own in peace. Time changes, things change, and people change. There is something you all should know about this queen biatch... She is Lash's girlfriend.

Yes, you heard me. His girlfriend. Lydia is the daughter of the current beta of our pack. Beta Scott and his mate Danielle. They are nice people and Danielle was actually an omega before she found Scott to be her other half. So she actually married into her position of authority. Beta Scott has been a Beta to Alpha Grey for many years. Now that Lash is of age to take the title, he had a right to choose a new beta or keep the old one. When he promised Ariel the title of second, at the aging ceremony, Beta Scott will step down. He and his mate will always be introduces as Betas though. Same with Lash's father. He will always be Alpha Grey.

'As sad as that is.'

Just like in the stories how the quarterback of the football team and the head cheerleader are always a couple. The Alpha's son and the Beta's daughter is the same issue. Lash and the slut have been dating for about 2 years now. Lydia now thinks that Lash and her are perfect mates, and that she's gonna be the future Luna of the pack.

'That's all the b*tch talks about.' I thought annoyed.

Looking at her furious face now I knew what she was thinking. She always saw me as a threat from the very beginning, but as an omega how wrong she is. An Alpha and omega can't be mates. It just isn't done. Rules you know.

"What about my drink, Lydia?" I shrugged. "Can I not quench myself after gym class now?" She growled.

"I saw you and Lash talking this morning, then by the water fountain now?" She stepped forward and grabbed my throat. Her grip was tight and I couldn't breathe as she pushed me up against the lockers. I felt her claws extending and I knew she could kill me right here right now if she wished.

'Which she probably does.'

"You crossed boundary lines, pup." She snarled and spit hit my face.


"Lash is mine and you better not forget it. Disrespecting your future Luna is trial by fault and I can have you banned from my pack." By this time I was about to faint from deoxygenation.

Didn't see HER comingWhere stories live. Discover now