Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Natalia's pov

I couldn't believe Nathaniel kissed me.

That was never allowed because he's an angel.

He is not supposed to indulge in human behavior.

"Nathaniel what are you doing?"

"I love you Natalia. I want to be with you. I am willing to give up my immortality for you."

No he can't mean it.

If he does that than Damian wins.

I can't allow him to do this.

Yes I love him, but the world needs him more.

"Nathaniel I am sorry but I don't love you. I only came here for protection."

I could almost see his heart break in his eyes.

I had to look away so he wouldn't see the lie hidden within my eyes.

"Fine you have my protection, and once this is all over you will leave and never come back."

I couldn't so I just shook my head.

I mean what could I say?

I can't allow him to become mortal for me.

I am not worth that.

I could feel thickness in the air.

Something bad was about to happen.

I just didn't know what.

Was my being here a distraction for Nathaniel?

I wanted to help, but I didn't know how to do that anymore.

I couldn't help him by being here.

I needed to go to the changed ones, and let them know they can have their lives back.

Let them know they have a choice.

That is what I can do for him.

He can't do this alone.

Yes he has pure hearts helping him, but Damian has more of an army.

It's not that I don't believe in Nathaniel.

I'm just scared.

We can't lose.

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