Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Damian’s pov

My army is coming along so nicely.

I don’t care that Nathaniel is watching my every move.

Let him see the damage I cause.

There is nothing he can do to stop me.

These pathetic humans beg me to turn them.

They want the life that I can give them.

They want to stay young, and live forever.

So I make it seem glamorous.

They don’t need to know the truth.

That once they are bitten they will lose their humanity.

They will become my hell hounds, and be controlled by me.

So Nathaniel has these so called pure hearts.

I have no fear.

Nothing they do can stop me.

I am immortal, and have my whole life to destroy them.

I don’t see why he even cares about these mortals.

They are all bad each one of them.

They lie, steal, and cheat.

They deserve what I do to them.

Soon Nathaniel will see it too.

It’s just a matter of time before he to turns to the dark side.

They all do.

See the real reason Nathaniel hates me isn’t because he got cast out.

No it’s because his true love chose the dark side over being with him.

She stays here by my side.

Do I love her?

Of course not.

She betrayed the man she claimed to love for power.

I could never love, or respect her after that.

He blames me for it when it was her choice not mine.

I don’t force anyone to be evil.

It is their choice to make.

I am not the bad guy here.

I am the one that takes all this evil, and show them what our world should be like.

A world where we don’t have to hide in the shadows.

Where we can be free who we want to be.

Nathaniel is trying to ruin that.

So it is him that needs to be stopped.

He thinks he can force someone to be good.

That is not how it works.

If you force them they will go the other way.

No one wants to be told who they are, and how they should act.

So I just sit back, and wait for them to come to me.

My army is strong.

They are willing to die for me.

That is something he does not have.

This is one fight I refuse to lose.

Nathaniel will learn I am not someone to underestimate.

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