Chapter 2

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 Chapter 2

Nathaniel’s pov

Nathaniel awoke from his sleep and looked around.

It was just a nightmare.

 Evil has not yet prevailed.

 He still had time to save mankind.

Damin had not yet unleashed his beats upon earth.

This is the hardest thing he’s ever had to do, but he had to if he ever wanted to be back in heaven.

For this assignment he was going to look like any other human unless he needed to be seen as an angel.

 Only the people with a pure heart could see him as he truly was.

 A beautiful angel with black gorgeous wings.

 He had black wings because he has fallen from heaven, but he was far from evil.

It seemed like everyone just thrived on being bad.

Wasn’t there any good on earth anymore?

He took a vow to protect all humans whether their good or evil.

Now it’s just time to show them that they need him.

Until they did that there was nothing he could do.

His course made it so he could only help when needed.

 Damien is always lurking over his shoulder ready to take them into the darkness.

Damien had the power to turn everyone against each other.

He was the root of all hate in the world.

 He would see a sweet kid and turn him into a cold blooded killer just for fun.

He enjoyed watching them wither in pain as they went from human to werewolf.

Once they turned all their humanity was gone.

They were truly evil.

He had to be stopped.

He wouldn’t let him take another innocent not while he was around to stop him.

Damien had tried to turn some of my protector’s evil, but he hasn’t succeeded because theyare the purest of hearts.

The pure ones could not be changed.

There are some humans as well that have pure hearts, and they have teamed up with the angels in the fight versus evil.

Nathaniel intended to find more and recruit them because they needed them on their team.

 There will be an epic battle and he won’t give up until he saves every soul from Damien’s grasp.

He didn’t know how he could help the changed ones, but he wouldn’t stop until he did.

Nathaniel knew this fight could last an eternity, and he was prepared for that.

 He needed to show them that love is the answer not all this hatred and pain.

He needed to hurry and gather his army before it was too late.

 He couldn’t hear about anymore death it hurt him.

 Why would anyone change these innocents?

How could he do that to that to children?

He didn’t care how old they were.

He would change them into these monsters.

 How could Damien be that evil?

Could he be saved as well or was he just beyond help?

 Maybe if he could turn Damien good then everything he turned evil would be restored back to good.

Would the turned ones go back to be human?

But how do you turn someone that is pure evil good?

 Maybe love was the answer.

 If only he could find a pure heart to go to Damien and make him fall in love.

 After all the opposite of evil is good so maybe he could be helped after all.

 If he helped turn Damien good that would surely gain his entrance back in heaven.

 He had to at least try.

 The fate of mankind depends on it.

 After all everyone has the right to make a choice for good or evil.

 It’s just Nathaniel’s job to destroy evil so good could prevail.

Book of the AngelsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora