"Where is everybody?" I asked, walking in slowly and looking around while Asher dropped his keys and shut the door behind him

"Does your mom have work tonight?" He asked

"No" I answered, heading towards the hallway

"Maybe she went out? Shopping or whatever females do" He suggested, and I turned and looked at him with a raised eyebrow

"Or whatever females do?" I repeated, trying not to laugh

"Don't laugh at me! I don't hang out with very many females" He defended

"Okay" I said

I walked into my moms room to see it completely bare, just like it was before she came. I opened the dresser drawers and closet to see all her clothes gone

"Um, Asher? The rooms completely empty!" I called out

"Well the house isn't!" He yelled back, and I walked back out to the living room to see Asher holding Carly in his arms while Cameron and Carmen stood beside him

"Hey guys! Do you know where mommy went?" I wondered, smiling at them

"She said she was leaving and to tell you to look on the counter" Cameron said.

My eyebrows furrowed and I walked over to the kitchen, spotting a piece of paper sitting neatly on the island. I picked it up and frowned, clenching my fists

Dear Lucas

Thank you for letting me stay for a couple of days, and taking care of my kids. I know you'll do far better raising them then I did. I'm afraid I have to leave now, and I won't be coming back. I'm not very fond of kids, as I guess you could imagine, but not all of what I told you was made up.

Don't bother looking for me, I'm leaving the country. I hope you have a good life, and I wish you and Asher the best of luck with the little three. I won't go into detail, but I'm going to see Lassandra and Damien before I leave. I'll be awaiting my wedding invitation. I think this man could be good for you, just be sure not to fall too deep, and when you split to take most of his money. Dating a rich man is no fun if you get nothing out of it in the end, that's what I did with your father ;)

-Love, your mother

I snapped my jaw shut so hard I feared I had broken it. Excuse me? Excuse me? Where do I even start with this woman! She comes, guilt trips me, leaves me with her three kids, accuses me of only being with Asher because he's rich, and then admits to doing the same with my father! The nerve she has, to even suggest I'm only with my boyfriend because he has money.

I'm sure my face was red, my jaw set and a storm in my eyes. I was absolutely fuming! How dare she. I read over the letter once more, and once I got to the end 'Love, your mother' I crumpled it in my fists. Marching over to the blender, I opened the lid, stuffed the paper in, and put the lid on it, hitting the button and watching as it became light gray soup

How was I supposed to take care of three kids? I mean, they weren't babies, and they were my siblings, but I was only eighteen. She played me. Manipulated me into feeling sorry for her, and then abandoned them just like she abandoned me. She ran from her problems and put them on someone else's unprepared shoulders

How could she even call herself my mother after that? She was abandoning six kids, and moving to another country probably to do the same thing to another unsuspecting man. How could anyone be so cold hearted? The thought of me doing that to Asher made my heart seize and tears fill my eyes

"Lucas?" Asher said carefully, and I turned around to see him stepping tentatively towards me, the kids standing behind him silently

I tried to smile at him, vaguely aware of the tears slipping down my cheeks

Mr Greene (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now