~Chapter 12~

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Things get a little steamy near the last part of the chapter, you've been warned

Lucas's P.O.V~

When I woke up in the morning to the moonlight streaming through the open windows I realised it wasn't actually morning yet. I went to bed thinking about my mother and if everything she said was actually true, resulting in a night terror. I hadn't had one of those since I moved in with Asher. I mean, she had been here 3 days already and hadn't done anything sketchy yet

Sitting up I carefully removed Asher's arm from around my waist and slowly got off the bed, trying not to move to much so I wouldn't wake him up. My chest hurt, and my entire body felt heavy. I was still shaking from the impact of the bad dream, but the lethargic feeling in my body and the frown on my face had everything to do with the overwhelming depression and anxiety running through my blood stream

I went downstairs, grabbing a glass of milk and of course some cookies to go with it. I just sat on the couch in silence, drinking my milk and staring at nothing. This was so weird. Why now of all times did she want to come back into our lives. I sat there for about two hours before I blew out a sigh and started heading back upstairs. I just wanted to cuddle with my boyfriend and forget about everything.

When I woke up again at 11 I found the bed was empty. I frowned, realising Asher had already left for work. Still in my purple drawstring short shorts, black fuzzy socks, and Asher's long sleeve black shirt, I padded downstairs to find the house completely empty. Well, not completely, since mom was watching tv on the couch. I hit a button by the door, signalling Emmett to come get me, and when I walked out of the door Emmett was sitting their, waiting patiently for me

I mumbled something about Asher's work and curled up on the seat, closing my eyes and dozing off until Emmett tapped on the divider and told me we were here. With my eyes still partially closed and slow blinks, I got out of the car and entered the building, not paying attention to where I was going and making some people curse as they noticed me last minute and staggered to avoid me

I leaned against the elevator wall and waited until it dinged, signalling we were at the 30th floor. I got out, instantly heading in the direction of Asher's office as my head bobbed, until I heard Adrianna call out that he was in a meeting in room 3, and switched directions

Not even bothering to knock, I flung open the meeting room door and all the noise instantly stopped, everyone turning to look at me

"Lucas?" Asher asked, turning to me, and I just pushed the door shut and walked over to him, climbing onto his lap and cuddling into him, finally closing my eyes again. I felt him kiss my head and keep talking, holding me too him.

Once the meeting cleared a cup of coffee was placed in my hands and Asher thanked someone quietly. I looked up at him sleepily and he kissed my nose, making me giggle

"Drink your coffee baby" Asher said gently, smiling at me, and I just grumbled and picked up the cup, taking small sips

"I think you shocked everyone, not only just walking in here but walking in here in short shorts and fuzzy socks" Asher said

"I guess I didn't take the time to change" I frowned down thoughtfully at my clothes. "Oh well" I shrugged, making Asher chuckle

"You're just the cutest" He said pecking me, and I blushed, looking away

I looked through assistant applications the rest of the day while Asher typed away, and we went home around 3:30pm

Going home was not as spectacular as it should have been. There was no hanging out with my amazing boyfriend, or friends here to bug us, or even a mom to come home too. The house was eerily silent, no noise, no nothing. I stopped at the entrance, the door wide open, and looked up to Asher curiously to see him already looking down at me with the same expression. In all the time I'd lived here with Asher, it'd never been this quiet

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