~Chapter 9~

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Lucas's P.O.V~

When we got to the school it was packed, full of girls in dresses and boys in suits. We all piled out of the car and split into smaller groups. Around twenty minutes after the ceremony ended and the party began, Asher left for the bathroom, kissing me on the head and telling me he would be right back, which left me standing by myself.

I was watching people as they talked and danced in groups, laughing and enjoying themselves. That was until I heard the voice of someone that made my blood run cold and my body freeze. Jason Reynolds, my personal tormentor for the past four years of my high school life.

"Hey fag, where are your misfit friends?" He said, sticking his hands in his pockets and smirking at me while Tyler Whitluck and Carlos Valdez stood snickering beside him like that was the funniest thing in the world

"Leave me alone, Jason" I said, turning my head to the side so I could ignore him

"Don't talk back to me, you useless bitch!" He said, and landed a mean right hook to my face, making my head turn to the side

"Hey fatass!" I was shocked still and slowly looked up to see Chris storming towards us. The room was silenced. Chris Walker barely spoke, nevermind yelled or swore.

We had the attention of the entire room, everyone watching to see what would happen next. Chris came up next to us and half stepped between me and the three guys.

"What the hell do you want?" Jason said, looking mad that Chris had interrupted us, but Chris was popular amongst the people, so he didn't do anything besides glare

"Leave him alone" Chris said, practically fuming. My eyes widened and I held my cheek as I looked up at him in surprise

"Why should I? The stupid worthless fag would be better off dead. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it!" Jason said stepping closer. Chris mimicked him

"Leave my brother alone, Jason. He's worth more than you'll ever be" Chris growled. Jason looked shocked

"Brother? You're related to that piece of shit?" Jason said. Ophelia and Killian stormed over to us, and I looked on in shock as Lassandra and Damien joined us

"What the fuck is going on?" I muttered confused as hell

"Oh great the whole family's here" Jason said

Suddenly Stephen, Jessica, and Cassidy showed up, scowling at their children

"What in the hell are you guys doing?" Stephen scolded quietly, though in the silence everyone could hear it

"Sticking up for my brother" Chris said

"Our brother" Lassandra corrected

"Why would you admit that in front of all these people? We have a reputation to uphold!" Jessica practically shrieked

There was a protective hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Asher with a very prominent glare on his face

"Your reputation, Mrs. Walker, is sinking further and further by the minute" Asher said, silencing everyone yet again. Jessica and Stephen paled as everyone looked over to Asher

"Asher!" Cassidy beamed and started towards him with her arms open and her lips puckered. Asher made a disgusted face and put his arm out, pushing her back as she came closer to us

"Don't touch me, filth" Asher said

Cassidy looked up glaring and blushing from her spot on the floor

"Now, do we have a problem here?" Asher looked around glaring at the group of people, and I heard murmurs from the crowd saying things like "Oh my god it's Asher Green" "What's he doing here" and "Why is he protecting him"

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