I agree

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Kim Tan's POV:-
Yesterday was like a nightmare.
My own father forced me on something which I wasn't ready for. What does he think about me. He used to treat my mom like a sh** and now he is treating me like that.

For the record I knew a very little bit about Rachel Yoo. She looks pretty but her character is like a cheap rated bi***.

My head hurts like a hell. Thinking about what they did to me is a waste of time. Now that I am free from everything,  I should concentrate on myself.

Thankgod I have Young do by my side. He is a good friend. Speaking of him, he contacted me through the intercom.

"Hello..Kim tan!. See whats going on the news now" he said with a suprise in his tone.

I switched on the television, flipped the channels and went to the local news channel. Looks like some serious issue.
People are crowded in front of my house

Wait..my house

A lady in her thirties came near the camera and spoke

"Hello viewers, today we are at the front of  the kim industries president house. They are about to make a public announcement.
So we should be patient until president kim comes and opens up the mystery"

Like she said I waited patiently for my father to speak. What is he going to announce.

Is he going to disown me

Whatever it is I am ready to face it.

As expected my father came in the view of the camera. The reporters started asking him many questions . But he spoke calmly

"As planned my son will marry Rachel Yoo. And their engagement will be tomorrow "

What??...is he insane.  When I am hiding in here how can he promise them about the engagement. But the reporters didn't leave him so easily.

"Sir ,we heard that your son ran away from engagement. Did he changed his mind and came back ".

"No, I wasn't talking about Kim Tan . My elder son Kim Won is going to marry Rachel Yoo. For the benefit of our two companies"

I sighed loudly.

What the f***. But anyhow I am escaped from this nonsense.

The previous night.

Rachel Yoo's POV :-

I was doomed.

My engagement which was supposed to be the one which I always dreamt of from the childhood. But turns out the groom was not interested on that.

I started to love him at the moment when my mom said we were going to be engaged. I guess he didn't love me the way I loved him.

My mom lashed out on his father ."President Kim, you promised me that my daughter would marry your son and our companies would unite. But you made us ashamed in front of everyone".

"Miss. Esther Lee, sorry for that. But I will make it up to you. If you would accept our proposal again"
He said in a business tone.

"I'm listening President Kim "
My mom responded.

"Will you accept my son Kim Won as the groom for your daughter. And i assure you that he will not disappoint you at any cost. Not to forget he has the largest share in our company"

"Ok, I will agree to this. But make sure that your eldest son doesn't run away like your youngest son"

Saying so she took my hand and pulled me with her.

Looks like I am struck with the kim family forever.

We stroded out of the house quickly and boarded in our car.

Kim Won's POV :-

When I came back to my so-called house. It was like a funeral scenario. Everybody was sitting as if they were in a misery. I saw my dad coming near me.

"Kim Won, my son. I have taken  a important decision. You should marry Rachel Yoo."

To be frank, I was shocked to the hell. Why should marry the girl who my brother abandoned.

He spoke again " If you don't agree to this, I will disown you.
What do you say?"

But I am already in love with another woman dad.

If he disown me, I have nothing with me. So I should think wisely.

"I agree". I said after thinking for a while. I know I'm going to regret this but I had no choice.
If someone is to blame it's Kim Tan. The one and only Kim Tan.
I have hated him from the day he born but now I hate him more.

He's going to pay for this.

Hi my readers.. thats all for this chapter.I hope you guys enjoyed it.  Until then


Billionaire's Girlfriend Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora