Wanting Out

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Leif and Jordan quickly ran to the bathrooms and got dressed in their normal street clothes, but obviously, they kept their masks on. They sped away down the sidewalks of Section Blaze. When they got to the border she hopped off the skateboard before it had stopped completely. She stomped over to the fence.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"That was too close," she said. "Your friend could have caught us."

"He didn't and that's the important thing," said Leif.

"No, the important thing is that it never happens again," she said.

"Hey!" they heard a shout from across the street. It was a policeman with a flashlight. "What are you kids doing?!"

"Run," Leif whispered.

"Run where?" she asked.

"Just run," he said.

He grabbed her hand and he hopped on his skateboard and cranked it up to full power. They sped off down the road away from the fence.

"What do we do?" she asked. The cop got on his motorcycle and rode after them.

"We just have to find somewhere to hide!" he said over the wind and the skateboard.

"You kids need to stop!" shouted the officer.

"Not a chance," whispered Leif.

Jordan sighed at him, but suddenly they sped up.

"How are we going so fast!" she shouted.

"I don't know!" he said.

Leif felt a buzz in his pocket, it was Gage's communication device. He looked around. He saw a strange spot where it looked like the wall had moved. He stopped suddenly and the skateboard skidded through the wall it seemed, but the same wall was behind it along with Gage.

"What the!"

Leif over her mouth and they hunkered down behind the wall. Just before, they had turned a corner so when the officer turned down that road he passed right by them still shouting for them to stop. Leif looked out and saw another version of himself and Jordan on his skateboard riding away from the cop.

"How did you-" he asked turning to Gage, but he shook his head and smiled and sighed. "Whatever," he said with a quiet laugh.

Jordan pushed Leif's hand away from her mouth. "What the heck!" she asked.

Gage deactivated the invisibility field. "You're welcome," he said expecting 'thank you'.

"Thanks, man," said Leif shaking Gage's hand. "I'm so glad you got my call."

"Well I thought you might need a little help, bud," said Gage. "I knew that tonight there were gonna be more cops on duty since it's school dance night and all."

"Someone tell me what's going on."

"Oh, right," said Leif wincing slightly. "Jordan, Gage. Gage, Jordan."

"Pleasure," she said in a slightly sarcastic way.

"Back 'atcha, my lady," he said, giving a little bow.

"How did you do that?" asked Leif.

"Which thing?"

"How did you speed us up?"

"Well it's kind of hard to explain, but I basically used a 'reverse' EMP on your scooter. You see I made the scooter so it could actually go faster than the actual settings so I just amped it up wirelessly."

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