Chapter twelev

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Chapter twelve

I woke to a loud bang I opened my eyes to see brice leaning over me kissing me! Okay more like mouth to mouth but it still count! I was able to say brice and he looked up the look in his eyes make me knew something was wrong. I sat up and looked around we were still in the big thron room but everyone was fighting. There were thousand of guards against about five of Us yah were doomed. I sat up ready to figh but my nees hurt like really bad. I looked down and they were on fire! Oh my god out a loud scream that made everyone look at me. The fire started Rissing up my body I could feel it in my bones. I was going to explode! RUN I yelled! brice was getting water from his bag and poring it on me but it didn't work. The fire was to powerful! I yelled again RUN Its going to blow! Taylor ran out then mishell followed and finally everyone else but brice. The fire was reaching my chest and it burned. Leave brice I yelled! No he shouted over the roaring fire I won't leave you! But they need you Brice your there only way of leaving this place you have the crystal! The fire was now up my neck and Brice had about three minutes before everything explodes!

Then I heard an evil voice behind me its your mother. I turned and saw cole (my dad). He didn't look to happy your God dam mOther always ruins my plan! But not this time he said laughing I will revenge you! Then my vision blurred from the fire. The pain went away as I looked around me. I was in the fire! I wasn't even hot anymore. The fire didn't burn or anything. I could her the banging outside the fire but it felt as if I was miles away.then something started appearing in the fire. It was a very tiny figure shorter than me. Mom I said looking at the figure? It nodded I'm here baby im here to give you a choice. Angelina sweets you.can either take my hand and walk to heaven or you can stay and find love and happiness, and I must worn you if you take my hand there's no going back.

I want to go home I thought I don't want to fight anymore I want peace. I started reaching my hand out when I remembered the kiss me and Brice shared was I really ready to give up on that yet? what about my two best friends arden and mishell how will I leave them? And most of all my sister I just got her back and I'm not ready to let go. I yanked my hand back sorry mom but the wars not over and I won't just leave everything I believe in, she smiled I new you had a little of me in you and with that she melted away.

Sorry it took so long I've been busy with school but I hope you liked it comment some ideas you want me to do ☺️

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