Chapter eleven

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Chapter eleven

I walked through the broad doors and it was a huge dark room with a thorn In the center room. The celling was high with long windows. Sitting in the chair was a man with broad shoulders he had Olivia's dark (almost black) hair and my hazel eyes. He had lots of gray streaks and dark skin. Hello Angelina hasn't it been awhile. I swallowed a bump in my throat yes it has and I want answers. He nodded his head come child and ask. Where's my mother I asked? She's dead he said with a smirk. I choked on my own sob. Why so sad you didn't even know her? That made me look up what do you mean I never knew her? Shes my mother she protects me and loves me. Ha he laughed she died when you were 10. She knew to much so someone had to get rid of her. What was she like I asked between sobs? She was quite lovely but I only used her to make you and you sister. He pulled out a picture of a laddie with my hair color she was not my skin color she was much lighter. She had green eyes and by the look of it she was fairly small.

Here let me explain he said looking bored. I made Olivia first but she didn't have enough power for me. So then I tried again but with you I did something different he trialled of. Anyways y'all were meant to be my services but he said in a disgusted voice Your mom had to much good In Her so she's the reason I'm not powerful yet. Anyways your mom ran away with y'all wants she figured out my plan to use y'all as the most powerful and evilest person alive. It took me years to find her but finally I did. I'm guessing you know the rest. Wait why did you need my mom for this why couldn't you just use someone else. Well you mom was the last one I could find. The last what I asked? You don't know your mother was a godess. She fell from heaven after an accident. So I'm a vampire, wolf, godess, witch, angel, and demon. Oh know thats not it there plenty of more surprises. Something's not adding up I thought. Why don't you just kill us if were not any help? Something glinted in his eyes. I have this plan to put the worlds greatest devil in you. It will transform you. Okay now I was a little freaked out. I started backing away towards the doors. Then two iron grips grabbed me by the arms.

I was prepared to see a huge slimy demon but instead max came out. He was Grinning wait I don't understand I yelled. Max laughed such a fool I'm the devil the evil. I just used Taylor for information and it worked. Now you, me, Olivia, and your father with rule the world! And with that he grabbed my neck and bit me. I was lifted of my feet as maxes grip tightened I yelped Brice's name. I pleaded for him until my voice cracked. My eyes were closing and pictures of my memory were in my mind. This was it I'm going to be evil. I felt the tiers on my cheek as the darkness slowly pulled its way in. Then max was of me I couldn't see what happen and I could only hear a humming sound. I was abel to open my eyes a little I saw Brice punching max. Taylor, Mishell, Arden, and mason were fighting the guards while trying to get to me. I wanted to stay up but my eyes were heavy and I slipped away to the darkness.

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