"Because I'm in love with you and I don't want you to go!" Ryan growled then paused, seeing how I stilled as well.

We were both breathing heavily and I was so surprised. My eyes started to get blurry as the tears formed.

"Ryan, I..." I tried to form the words I wanted, but nothing came together.

Ryan frowned at me and I saw how he was feeling. "Just forget it, Harper." He finally sighed out. "You should go." Then with a defeated look, Ryan slipped out off the kitchen.

I felt horrible and so guilty. I wasn't sure why I acted that way but I did. I froze. Shouldn't I be happy that someone was in love with me? Someone like Ryan?

I did the dishes and cleaned up from breakfast and gathered all my stuff. I didn't bother going in to the bedroom I slept in last night, Ryan's room and I shoved what I could of Willows into her bag.

"Willow, come on, baby." I said softly, my voice cracking.

Willow looked at me confused as we went to my car and I drove out of the estate. She asked me many questions like why are we leaving and what about Ryan.

Questions I couldn't find the answers for.

But instead, I just told her that sometimes, people can only be friends for a short amount of time. That Ryan helped us when we needed it and now we don't.

I told her that I no longer worked there, since Liz had passed away. We got home and I sent Willow to her room, telling her to pack her bags with her toys she wants to take, we were heading of to nan's for a while.

I on the other hand, I filled whatever bag I could with clothes, throwing them in to the boot of my car.

An hour later, the house locked and slightly emptied, we hit the road, head north west.

Heading home.

I was so annoyed that Ryan had put me in a position like that. That he put Willows hopes up because for the first hour of the car ride, she whined to me about wanting to live with Ryan.

"Ryan isn't your dad!" I snapped at her as we drove on the highway.

"But he is a better dad to me then my real one!"


"Hi mum!" I grinned as soon as the door opened.

"Harper, what are you doing here?" Mum asked as she looked between me and Willow.

It wasn't the exact welcoming I wanted, but better than none.

"Thanks, mum." I mumbled.

"Hi, grandma."

Mums eyes went wide as she glared at Willow, a tight smile on her face. "Willow, darling, what have I told you?"

Willow sighed and I think I saw her roll her eyes. "Hi, Aunt Carly."

"Hello, Willow darling."

I groaned as I went inside, Willow following me. Mum was such a vain person. Her shoulder length hair was dyed blonde with highlights and she always dressed immaculate. Her clothes, her accessories, her hair, her makeup.

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