11 | sick and stubborn

Start from the beginning

He turned off the lamp and motioned to his side of the bed. He didn't expect to hear a response when he got onto the bed.

"Goodnight, Harith."

- ✾ -

Harith woke up from his sleep when he heard the sound of coughing. He turned over to the side, only to find Harley coughing a few times. Frowning, he started rubbing the mage's back as he continued to cough. Harley doesn't look like he was awake, but it bothered Harith that he sounded sick. He moved his hand to place it over the mage's forehead, and he couldn't help but feel that it was warm. Gently, he started shaking his shoulder.

"Harley," Harith said, moving his head to look at the mage's face. "If you're awake right now, I just want to ask, are you okay?"

Harith watched as Harley slowly opened his eyes, before the mage whispered, "My throat hurts a little."

Harith nodded. "Hold on, let me get you a glass of water."

Harith got out of bed and went downstairs to grab Harley some water. When he returned to his bedroom, he found the mage already in an upright position and coughing again. His ears drooped at the sound, and he hurried to give him the glass of water.

"Thank you," Harley said, his voice hoarse. He started drinking the water. After he was done, he handed the glass back to him. "My throat feels better now. Thanks, Harith."

Harith placed his hand again over Harley's forehead, and he mentally noted that it was still warm. It doesn't seem like the Mage Genius had a fever, but that doesn't mean he was okay. He asked, "Do you want me to call Rafaela here?"

Harley was surprised by his question, but he shook his head. He laid back onto the bed and pulled the covers over his body. "No, don't disturb her. I'm fine, Harith."

Harith hated how Harley kept claiming that he was fine, when clearly he wasn't. But, what could he do? It was three in the morning, and Rafaela was most likely asleep. Harley also doesn't have a fever yet, so he should wait for tomorrow. The moment the mage has a temperature, he was going to bring him straight to the support.

Harith ended up sighing. "Okay."

Harley gave him a small smile before closing his eyes. "Let's just sleep. We both have training tomorrow."

"Not if you're sick."

"I'm not," Harley mumbled before nuzzling his cheek against his pillow. "Goodnight, Harith."

Harith smiled. "'Night, Harley."

- ✾ -

Harith grunted when he heard the sound of his alarm clock ringing, and he slammed his hand over the button. He covered his mouth when he yawned, and he turned his body to wake Harley up. But, the moment he spotted the mage, his eyes widened, and he instantly became worried the moment he caught Harley's laboured breathing.

"Harley?!" Harith called, moving to the side of the bed to face the mage. Harley's face was flushed, and his forehead was hot when Harith placed his hand over it. "Damn it, you are sick."

Harith could see Harley struggling to open his eyes, and he watched as the Mage Genius pull the covers closer to him. "It's so cold..."

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