
"You can come inside if you want to?" Toni said shyly as Cheryl pulled up in front of her house. Toni lived on the north side of town. Dave has money from his car dealership so he bought the nicest house he could, even though they were definitely south side people. "although i'll warm you, they aren't nice and they'll probably interrogate you or ignore you" Toni said looking down at her hands. "I'd love to" Cheryl said with a smile.

They climbed out of the car and walked up to the house. Toni grabbed her keys and unlocked the front door. They walked in and Toni's foster parents were stood in the kitchen talking about something. "your cool if Cheryl stays right?" Toni asked in a monotone voice. "as long as you don't wake us up do whatever the hell u want" Tina said looking Cheryl up and down. Toni rolled her eyes at them and grabbed Cheryl's hand. They walked upstairs and into Toni's room. "wow they are a barrel of laughs" Cheryl said sarcastically as she put her bag on Toni's bed and looked around her room. It was pretty big and it was so Toni. The walls were a light grey colour which made the room feel bright. She has polaroid's and photographs she'd taken stick on a huge mood board on one of her walls. Her double bed sat in the corner of the room with a grey duvet cover and as many blankets and pillows as she could fit on it. A desk sat in the opposite corner with notebooks and sketch pads and art supplies on the shelves underneath. She had shelves on her wall with a range of cameras on and all of her clothes hung neatly on a cool rustic looking wooden rail. She had a big bag window and a window seat too which Cheryl really liked. It was a very artsy indie girl room which was 100% what Toni was. "your room so so cool" Cheryl said as she looked at all of Toni's photographs and drawings. She was really good and she had a real eye. "your so good at this stuff you know that right?" Cheryl said turning around and smiling at her. "hmm i guess" Toni said sitting on her bed and pulling a few blankets over her. "no seriously you should do events photography or become an artist or something" Cheryl said to which Toni smiled liking the idea. She patted the bed beside her inviting Cheryl over to sit down.

Instead of sitting beside her Cheryl gently climbed on top of her so that she was straddling her waist. She slowly placed kisses on her neck and jawline. Toni breathed heavily and placed her hands on the girls lower back. Toni moved upwards and span round so that she was now on top. She was always the most dominant one. She slowly took her Cheryl's shirt and flung it across her room into the floor. She slowly placed kisses on Cheryl's neck and down to the bottom of her stomach. She unbuttoned her jeans and undid the zip with her teeth. Toni slowly moved back upwards and kissed her again passionately as they both removed the rest of their clothes. Toni looked down at Cheryl. She bit her bottom lip and admired the curves of her body. "Wow" she whispered which made Cheryl giggle. "shut up and kiss me" she whispered back as she pulled Toni down onto her. Toni slowly slid her hand further and further down. She was experienced and she knew what pleased Cheryl even though they'd only slept together a few times.


Cheryl watched as Toni stood up and out on one of her over sized t-shirts. She opened up her window and sat on the window seat staring back at the other girl. She lit her cigarette and blew the fumes out of the window. Cheryl stood up and grabbed a hoodie from the back of Toni's door. She put it on and joined her at the window. As she sat down she grabbed the cigarette out of Toni's hand and took a drag. She immediately coughed and spluttered all over. "how do u do that?" she said still coughing as Toni laughed at her. "i've had a lot of practice" she said as Cheryl rolled her eyes. "will you ever quit?" Cheryl asked as she intertwined her finger with one of Toni's hands. "yeah eventually. it just helps me to feel less anxious i guess" she said looking out her window into the dark night. "are you anxious right now?" Cheryl asked softly. "i guess...i don't know" Toni stuttered feeling nervous. "can i tell you something?" she said as she threw her cigarette out of the window and grabbed Cheryl's hands. Cheryl waited patiently for her to continue. "you make me nervous..." she started and Cheryl frowned a little. "... but like not in a bad way. Listen i know that we said that this thing between us was just casual and fun but i feel things for you that i've never felt about anyone. i've had hookups in the past but nothing like this. You make me feel nervous but i have no idea what i'm gonna day around you. I don't wanna blurt something out that'll scare you off. Usually the thought of commitment would make me wanna cry but with you it's different. I wanna wake up next to you and i wanna hold your hand as we walk into school and i wanna make out with you at the back of movie theatres. Babe, i've never felt like this way before and i know its soon and it's scary but i need you to know how i feel".

There was a moment of silence. Cheryl didn't break eye contact. Toni didn't know if she was gonna run away and never speak to her again or agree with everything she said. Cheryl didn't speak. She flung her arms around Toni and hugged her tightly. "i wanna be with you. Always" she whispered as she softly kissed her. Toni smiled and kissed her again. They both sat back and smiled at each other. "also" Cheryl said which kind of worried Toni. "Babe" she said smirking. "yeah sorry that's cringe-" Toni started. "no say it more i like it" she whispered. "okay babe" she said back. Cheryl rolled her eyes and hit her lip in a playfully sexual manor. They both laughed and Toni jokingly threw a cushion in her direction. Cheryl sat slouched against the window frame. She has messy hair and tired eyes and no make up left around her mouth but Toni thought she looked beautiful. She stood up and grabbed a camera off her shelf and started snapping pictures. Cheryl was taken but surprise at first but then quickly started posing for the camera. They both laughed.


The girls stayed up pretty much all night talking about everything. They discuss previous relationships and hookups and they discussed first times and first kisses. "Who knows that your not straight?" Toni said wondering. "you, and heather" she replied. "and i think my mom is suspicious" she continued. "not even veronica?" she asked confused. Veronica and Cheryl told each other everything. "well no. that makes it more real and it's scary" she replied shyly. "it's really not that bad u know. They're jerks who make jokes but i've never experienced anything that bad" Toni replied trying to comfort her. "how and when did you come out?" Cheryl asked her. "i didn't really. People just always new. Like i didn't really hide how i felt. If i saw a hot guy i would say he was hot and if i saw a hot girl i would say she was hot. People kind of just assume when you say things like that." Cheryl looked at her and smiled. "yeah i assumed" she said with a smile. "oh i see, is that why you came on to me?" Toni replied with a smirk. "i did not" she replied with a shocked face. "ermmm who kissed who?" she replied as Cheryl playfully hit her with a cushion.

They lay and watched a film on netflix on Toni's tv. Cheryl wasn't paying attention. She was thinking about their previous conversation and about the whole coming out thing. "I'm gonna tell our friends" she said decisively sitting to. "okay, but about what?" Toni replied cluelessly. "about us and about me and everything" she replied. Toni smiled at her and kissed her.

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