Klaus gives his sister a weak smile, "anyway," he lets out a sigh, "after staying there for a few months, I'm back here."

"Are you bleeding or just bloody?" Valerie asks softly as she turns Klaus' face to the side to get a better look only to notice the dog tags, "who's are those? Are they yours?"

Her brother goes quiet and doesn't answer before sitting up, splashing water to wash away the blood, "I met someone over there Val, someone... someone special," he mumbles out as Valerie frowns at the news, "he was... amazing and— and then the next minute it was all... just gone."

Valerie's chest pinches at the thought of how many people her family lost in the span of only a few days, some that Valerie never even knew, "I-I'm sorry you had to deal with that, Klaus, I wish you didn't have to."

Klaus scoffs out a laugh, "ditto."

"Want some coffee for when you get out? I was gonna go make some," She questions with a soft tone only to have Klaus look at her with pleading eyes.

"Can you just... stay here for a bit?" He lightly begs, "I-I— you don't have to," he protests, "I'm mean, of course you wouldn't, I'm naked and all sad like 'why me?'"

Valerie smiles and shakes her head, "I don't mind, Klaus. You're my brother and you've been through some scary shit, I mean a war?" Valerie explains with a reassuring smile, "so it's okay to be all naked and 'why me?'" she assures.

Klaus lets out a weak laugh at that as he splashed his sister who shrieks while she laughs before she reaches in the tub and splashes him back.

The two siblings spend the next few minutes splashing each other, "I yield!" Valerie calls out only to have Klaus stop splashing his sister who's slightly soaked.

The two smile at each other before Klaus sighs, "hand me a towel, will you? I'm gonna just scrub up and get out before I wrinkle up."

Valerie nods and gets up, grabbing a towel in the hallway closet and notices the bloody foot prints, "catch!" She calls out and throws it to her brother who catches it.

"Want some coffee? After I change?" She asks as she walks back to her room.

"Yes, please," Klaus replies as he begins to wash his body.

Valerie hasn't had a moment like that with Klaus since a few months back when he showed up at her apartment completely high off his ass and just scared. She got so mad at the state that Klaus was in but he promised her that if she let him stay the night that he'd go back to the centre and get clean.

"You promise me?" Valerie questioned as she held her brother on the couch while the tv played in the background.

Klaus nods as he watches the tv and just relaxes into his sister's arms, "pinky promise," he mumbles out already closing his eyes while he lifts his pinky towards his sister behind him.

The siblings wrap their pinkies together before getting comfortable and soon falling asleep on the couch.

Klaus kept his promise, he did go. As soon as he got his 90 day chip was when he left and didn't go back. Which wasn't surprising to her.

Valerie knew about his nightmares, hell, she had nightmares too. They always knew how to help each other whenever it happened but sometimes just sleeping together helped with getting rid of them. The two resided in each other, there was no one else that they trusted more than each other.

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