t h i r t y f o u r

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(A/n; here's a cute pic of namjoon holding a dog to bring you joy before this shit begins)

(A/n; here's a cute pic of namjoon holding a dog to bring you joy before this shit begins)

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(A/n; oh and just a quick warning i don't know how to wtite so yay....
"= talking
'=thinking, sounds
again I'm sorry for disappointing y'all with this chapter)



Moon picked up the call, slowly placing the phone at her ear.
After a minute or two of complete silence she decided to try to start a conversation and after a long time deciding on a sentence she went with
"sooooo...um*caugh* whaT do you think of thee weaTher today"
hoping that wooyoung would get what she was doing and would understand that she was trying to slowly melt the ice but was caught by surprise when a simple and quiet "it's a bit windy today don't you think" could be heard from the other line making her smile at the boys cuteness.

After exchanging a few awkward laughs, moon asked shyly

"so you gonna help me with that food or?"

(A/n; ooP did i write this simular to texts. Yes. Yes i did)

"OOH yes ofcourse, ofcourse we don't want you to starve"


"nevermind, I've changed my mind"

"go back to slEEp and stArve"

"you just had to didn't you"
'she said chuckling at the boys meme/vine reference'

"it was the perfect moment"

"i simply couldn't resist"

"understandable, understandable"

'uughh i just made it awkward again wooyoung though to himself'

'trying not to let the awkwardness affect her moon happily asked for the second time'
"so the noodles"

"the noodles?"


"what noodles?"

"the noodles you're teaching me how to make"

"ohh yes"
'dramatically faceplants himself'

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