t w e n t y n i n e

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woosanwho: skinny penis

woosanwho: REALLY!!??

steponmyneck: eeeyyyyy

steponmyneck: it's ya boiiii skinnY peniS

steponmyneck: back at it again with a new

steponmyneck: a

steponmyneck: s

steponmyneck: m

steponmyneck: r

steponmyneck: video for you guy's today..today..today..today

(A/n; if any of u know china unique or whatever her name is lol idk....she always did like today...today...today.......)

steponmyneck: *insert ice eating sound*

steponmyneck: * insert eating cake from other people's toes sound*

steponmyneck: *insert skinny penis sound*

steponmyneck: *insert mouth sound*

steponmyneck: please don't have foot fetish

steponmyneck: i beg of you

woosanwho: why would you call yourself skinny penis!!??

steponmyneck: babyboy you didn't answer my question

n o i d o n o t h a v e f o o t f e t i s h

steponmyneck: niiiiceeeee

woosanwho: I'd rather say that u had one

steponmyneck: that's absurd

steponmyneck: wow i felt kinda BriTIsH saying that

(A/n; cOmE at me but absurd is such a brithis word to say......i evern read it with an accent)

woosanwho: ohh baby I'm p r e t t y sure you got some of that foot fetish

steponmyneck: and how exactly did you get that

woosanwho: 1. it's you

woosanwho: 2. you got like 100+kinks

true true...guilty hehehahabheh

woosanwho: 3. you're obsessed with thigs

woosanwho: 4. my thighs

steponmyneck: i meannnnnnnn

steponmyneck: not just yooour thighs

steponmyneck: like jimin, your friend thicc boy(aka mingi aka songmingi aka he hot), taeyang, jungkook, kai, namjoon, wonho, apple boi is kinda thicc too.. all of em got some fine thighs :D

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