Magnus's Birthday Part 2 (aka Magnus Learns how to Make Falafel)

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A/N: I made the falafel in the picture! Also, this has not been edited, so please point out any problems. I will probably edit it tomorrow, but I just wanted to get it out after working on it for awhile.
(Magnus's pov)

After the group hug finally split up we moved onto food. There is plenty of falafel (catered by Fadlands Falafel, of course) as well as pita and kibbeh. When all the falafel is eaten, or stashed away in the fridge, Jack urges us try his cake. Apparently, he won many cooking contests with Frey and once got them out of a tight spot by cooking a banquet for a giant. I must admit is was one of the best cakes I ever tasted. "How did you know the chocolate cake with raspberry frosting is my favorite?" I ask him. "Frey keeps watch over all his children, and you are one of his favorites." He says and leaves it at that. After the cake is also demolished we moved onto the presents.

Alex gives me a sloppily wrapped mug that when heated shows all my nicknames (Beantown, Maggie, Mango Cheese, Magpie, etc). From Blitz and Hearth is a nice card, a pair of new shoes, and a carefully wrapped framed picture of us on my birthday a few years back. I have no clue how they found this picture, but I guess in Valhalla anything is possible. Halfborn gives me a masterfully made model of the Big Banana. Everyone has hidden depths I suppose. From Mallory I get a nice book of poems from the Hotel Valhalla giftshop. Of course, half the you poems are about wolves or Odin, but its a nice enough gift. T.J. gifts me a customized video game controller. But one of the best presents I got was from Sam. She gave me a ticket to a falafel making class at Fadlands Falafel! I can finally learn the secrets of the universe. Or at least the secrets of falafel. Same thing in my opinion.

The party finally ends well past midnight and I fall asleep in Alex's arms amongst piles of confetti. We were so exhausted that the others just left us there, but not before taking some blackmail pictures. Because that's what friends are for.

I'm awakened by the sun streaming down from the blue sky of my room. I'm not exactly sure how that is possible, but then again, I'm in the magical hotel of undead warriors belonging to the Norse God Odin. I try to get up, but Alex, who has his arm around me (he seems male today), pulls me back down. "Its too early to get up" he mumbles, his curly green hair sticking out at crazy angles. Arrg, he looks so  peaceful when he sleeps, his cuteness is going to kill me. I lay there for a couple hours, after all, its not often that I get to see Alex so relaxed.

When he finally gets up around noon, I remember about the present that Sam gave me. I supposed to be there in 10 minutes! "What's the rush Maggie?" Alex asks, still not fully awake. "I'm going to the falafel making class that Sam gave me." I quickly tell him. "Can I come?" he asks excitedly.  "I'm not sure" I respond as I examine the card in my hands. On the back a note is scrawled: "Alex is invited to :)"  "Yes, you're invited too".

"Okay, I need to change, meet you in the hallway?" he says. "Yep" I reply. I throw on a Star Trek t-shirt and a pair of jeans and rush to meet Alex in the hallway. He is wearing green skinny jeans, magenta high-tops, and a green long sleeve shirt with pink flowers on it. I grab his hand and sprint to the nearest portal to Midgard.

As we tumble out into Boston, I look around to get my bearings. To my relief, we are only a few a blocks away from the food court Fadlands Falafel is in. As we race into Fadlands Falafel, Sam is stops a timer. "Your early!". "No I'm not", I say, confused. "I was supposed to be here 5 minutes ago". "Well with your sense of time, I thought you would be 20 minutes late". "Hey, I have great sense of time!" I protest, scandalized. "Says the guy who showed up at dinner thinking it was breakfast." Alex smirks. Thankfully, Amir steps into the room, ending the discussion short.

"Are you all ready" he asks, a slightly bemused look on his face. "I was born ready" I say like one of those people in action movies, which causes Alex to giggle. Gods I love his laugh. Seriously, isn't he breaking some law by being so cute? As we step into the kitchen, Amir has us wash our hands and put on hair nets. I look around and notice several industrial mixers, a large refrigerator and freezer, and a sputtering fryer of hot oil.

Amir reaches under the counter and pulls out a big metal bowl with chickpeas and water. "I've covered 2 cups of chickpeas with about 2 inches of water and added 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, then let them sit overnight." He explains. "You have to used dried chickpeas, not canned ones. Next, we're going to strain them and pat them dry. I want you to do that Magnus." I stare at the chickpeas with reverence, these tiny tan legumes create the greatest food ever created. I pat them dry as if they were royalty. "Alex, I want you to pulse 1 cup of parsley with 3/4 cup cilantro (coriander for any readers in the UK) and 1/2 cup fresh dill in the food processer." he orders. Alex complies with glee, a devilish grin on his face. He's probably imaging the herbs are the embodiment of his mortal enemies. I did not need that image in my head.

"When that's done, I need you Manus to add the chickpeas, 7 cloves of garlic, some salt, 1 tbst ground black pepper, 1 tbst cumin, and 1 tsp cayenne pepper to the mixture." Scarily, Alex has skill with kitchen knives as well as garrotes. He manages to chop the herbs quickly and efficiently, while I am struggling to simply peel the garlic. Probably because I am distracted by Alex.

"Now that everything is mixed, we need to cook them." Amir instructs. "Alex, I want you to fry the falafel, and Magnus, I want you to form the falafel". "Why can't I fry them" I whine. "Because Magnus, you are the one who managed to blow up your kitchen with a spatula" Alex says with the tone of an exasperated parent. "Hey, no one told me not to stick it over an open flame!" I protest. Alex just snorts. "Well, now that that is out of the way, lets get to work." Amir says, with a bemused smile on his face, as if a tiger gave him a lecture on veganism.

Soon the godly smell (well, any god but Thor) of frying falafel fills the room. "Magnus! Stop stealing the falafel. This is your 10th one" Alex lectures. "Well, its actually my 13th" I mutter. He just responds with a smile and a peck on the cheek, which causes me to blush brighter than his magenta shoes. No matter how many times he kisses me, I will never get used to it.

Before long, glistening golden piles of falafel fill the kitchen, like the mystical golden towers of the Inca. "Thanks Amir" I say, after Alex elbows me. "Anytime" Amir responds, politely smiling. Or maybe grimacing, I'm not completely sure. "Alex, I just want to thank you for making my life worth living, and for making my birthday I've ever had. Dead or alive". "Your such a sappy dork" he says, blushing deeply "and I love you for it". And with that, he kissed me full on the lips, arms laden with falafel.

1286 words

A/N: Gods, that took me forever to complete . I actually got the idea for it while making falafel. I hope you liked it.

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