Chapter 52- Crack the Whip

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3rd Person Pov

~The day before~

"So, let me get this straight Jasper and Blare fused!" Amethyst yelled. Steven had just finished telling Garnet and Amethyst about the new fusion alongside Pearl. Connie having left not too long ago couldn't add her input on the story. "They were as tall as Rainbow Quartz. I didn't get to see much of him. He left without confronting us." Pearl added.

Unlike the rest Garnet had yet to say anything about the fusion, but in reality she was extremely worried. Was this like what happened to Lapis Lazuli. Had he forced himself into a fusion to protect them, but if that was the case why was this fusion roaming freely? Was he okay? "He appeared to be stable but there's no telling how or what they fused for so we can't let our guard down." Pearl said. Garnet simply nodded in agreement.

"Pearl's right, we don't know who's will is in control or how much of each of them shines through the fusion. If you encounter them stay on guard. We can't afford to under estimate them." Garnet said. Steven didn't say anything his mind focused on the uncertain look in the fusion's eyes, and how vicious they were when they fought the corrupted gem.

Regardless of how any of them felt about Black Diamond. They were all worried.


Meanwhile in the Beta Kindergarten Carnelian bubbled the two gems that he had recently caught. Gently setting them in one of the exit holes he let out a shuddered breath he had been holding since he encountered Pearl, Steven, and Connie. A tear slipping from his left eye. The fear that flickered in their eyes hurt more than he thought it would. "I was wrong to think that seeing them wouldn't affect me as much, but I don't blame them I don't even really know what I am. I'm just an aimless experience. A relationship between two extremely protective parts made whole through a desire for understanding." He whispered.

Slowly his form glowed before he split into Black Diamond and Jasper. Both of them breathing softly as they relived the experience. If there was one thing they both agreed on it was that they were both unsure of what their fusion truly meant, but that didn't stop it from being an utterly breathtaking yet intriguing experience for them.

Jasper was in shock. Was this really what fusion should feel like. She thought to herself as every moment vividly passed through her eyes. She felt everything Black Diamond felt and understood it from his perspective. She felt like she finally somewhat understood him. However, she knew that she wouldn't accept the Crystal Gems like he did. It didn't feel right. A large part of her still resented them. Only a fraction of her being empathizing their connection to her Diamond.

But all of this was an eyes opener. Carnelian was so much more than the both of them but at the same time he wasn't. He amplified certain aspects of the both of them and suppressed other's forming him as his own individual being. It was nothing like Malachite who was just an unstable shifting mix of Lapis and herself.

"I think...I understand." Jasper whispered. Black's head snapped up his hair shifting from his eyes as he stared at her unsure if his ears were deceiving him. "Pardon?" Jasper frowned looking away from the diamond. Saying it the first time was hard enough, yet he stared at her with such disbelief as if she had told him that she loved this crumbling rock.

"It's different." Jasper answered refusing to repeat herself. Black chuckled knowing that he heard her right. Jasper frowned. "I'm glad that you can see things differently, but understand that I know that I can't change you. That's something that you need to accomplish on your own. I know that you don't like the Crystal Gems and I understand." Black told her with a thoughtful expression. Jasper growled in response but silently appreciated that he didn't look at her as something to be fixed. A barely noticeable smile made its way onto her face.

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