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!Trigger warning! This chapter does involve some nasty stuff and refers to some not so nice experiences (rape, self-induced abortion) and does go into pain and whatnot. It's not a lot, just two paragraphs or so. I'll insert a star where it all begins and one where it ends. xoxo alessandra

The two weeks leading up to the vote had been as quiet as anything. The palace was silent, no one saw much of Laineth, save for her few most trusted friends. She had desperately trying to find who had started the vote, but had no luck. Annunor was strict in his defense; It hadn't been him, he knew far too well how much she didn't want to be Queen. He wouldn't betray her trust like that.

So, she spent her time anxiously wandering the grounds of the palace. Sometimes, she meandered into town, but the cries of mourning and glares from those families whose members she couldn't save proved too much for her. The walks stopped after two days. Instead, she kept finding herself drawn to her mother's gazebo out by the ocean. That's where she spent her time, either gazing out at the sea off of the cliffs, or swinging a sword about at some imagined figure.

That's where Issel found her. Two days before the vote.

Laineth sensed her friend approaching, but didn't turn from where she had been leaning. She'd watched the waves since dawn, the tide come far in and then right back out again. Nothing could swing her attention away now.

Waddling up the stairs, Issel sighed. She observed Laineth from the side, noticing the thin worry lines that had begun to crease on her forehead.

"Keep stressing like that and you'll become one of the race of men." She scolded.

Laineth chuckled, shaking her head, "You do love trying to make the worst situations seem like nothing, don't you?"

Issel joined her at the banister, resting her arms on it. The differences between the two women were stark. Issel, like the Lady she was, wore a graceful Elven dress, complete with the dainty sleeves and carefully woven fabrics. Due to help greet the arriving dignitaries, she wore a circlet too, sat perfectly on her forehead. Laineth had reverted back to her old ways since arriving in Lindon. She had no need for Elven dresses, nor did she enjoy wearing circlets that always left odd patterns on her skin. Leggings and a tunic was all that she wore, incredibly simple. She'd tried to do her part in looking more courtly back in the Woodland Realm, but she had no need to do so in Lindon. Besides, the way she dressed made her look all the more alike her brother.

"This child will be born any day now. I told Norgon no more after this, pregnancy is a pain."

Turning to her friend with a raised eyebrow, Laineth responded, "Are you quite sure? I feel like once you hold that elfling, you'll want four more."

Issel snorted, "I think not! I feel like an oliphaunt like this, look at me! I'm swollen!"

Laineth rolled her eyes, "You look fine, I don't know what you're talking about. It'll be worth it once you give birth, I'm sure."

"When you fall pregnant, you can't complain. Otherwise I'll reiterate everything you've said to me." She replied.

Laineth scoffed, turning to walk away, "You assume I'll have children? If things go my way, I'll remain a childless, husbandless, cold hearted old hag. I certainly won't look like one, but that's how I'd like to end up."

Issel hurried to follow her, "That's such a miserable outlook. You've put that upon yourself because of what you've done, hm?"

"Well, none of my kin are going to marry me after I've slaughtered so many of them. And I am most definitely not marrying any of the race of Men. Faithless beings." Laineth huffed, following the path back around to the palace.

runando ~ A Thranduil StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora