Epigraph + Playlist

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"I'm not here because I have a secret motive.

I'm not here because I want to cause trouble.

I'm not here to harm or to start a war.

I'm here because I can be."

"Centuries have passed and life's been a bitch

to me.

Now it's time to step on it's balls."

"Shit's boring as Hell...sorry 'Heaven'.

I'm really getting the gist of being the  literal

embodiment of damnation on Earth with

power for days and

I about to paint this city hella red."


Power List

Pyrokinesis***"I could scorch this whole place to shit if I wanted but since I want my tacos

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"I could scorch this whole place to shit if I wanted but since I want my tacos...No toast today!"

Regeneration ***"I've been hurt enough to know that pain only hurts when you let it linger

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"I've been hurt enough to know that pain only hurts when you let it linger."


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